Interpret political cartoons. Describe the main points of Describe the main points of President Nixon’s domestic President Nixon’s domesticNixon’s and foreign policy. and foreign policy
A B CD A Directions Directions: Choose four of the political cartoons In this packet and write an analysis which should include: - Interpretation (meaning) - Example of symbolism
Nixon Administration Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Vice-president Spiro Agnew President Richard Nixon
Nixon Administration – Foreign Policy Getting out of Vietnam Vietnam Moratorium 10/1969 Low troop morale, “fragging” Weather Underground Vietnamization Secretary of State Melvin Laird’s plan to withdraw troops 7/1969 Nixon Doctrine Policy of substituting weapons & money for soldiers Cambodia 4/1970 U.S. troops invaded, resulting in protest at Kent State University
Ohio Ohio Neil Young (1970) Tin Soldiers And Nixon's Bombing We're Finally On Our Own This Summer I Hear The Drumming Four Dead In Ohio Gotta Get Down To It Soldiers Are Gunning Us Down Should Of Been Done Long Ago What If You Knew Her And Found Her Dead On The Ground How Can You Run When You Know La La La La La La La Tin Soldiers And Nixon's Bombing We're Finally On Our Own This Summer I Hear The Drumming Four Dead In Ohio Four Dead In Ohio Kent State University (5/1970)
In March, 1968, Lt. William L. Calley, Jr. ordered the village of My Lai “cleared” because it was harboring Viet Cong. Upon arrival, only old men, a few women and some children were found, however, Calley’s team shot to death 22 people. Calley was court-martialed, and given a life sentence, however, later the sentence was reviewed by President Nixon and changed to 10 years, with release on parole in six months. My Lai led many Americans to question U.S. conduct in the war! The My Lai Massacre
Nixon Administration – Foreign Policy Further Actions Regarding Vietnam : Gulf of Tonkin Resolution repealed 12/1970 A cease-fire ended hostilities 1/1973 The War Powers Act (1973) The act requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing troops to military action. Also forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The act has been regularly ignored by presidents of both parties, some even declaring their belief that the act is unconstitutional.
Nixon Administration – Foreign Policy The first moon landinglanding 7/20/69 NASA landed the Eagle with Neil Armstrong.Neil Armstrong Secretary of State Henry Kissinger arranges for Nixon to meet Mao Zedong in Beijing, China 2/1972 President Nixon signs S.A.L.T. Treaty with U.S.S.R. limiting antiballistic missiles “Détente” – easing of tensions between the US and USSR. Soviet Premier Brezhnev
Nixon Administration – Domestic Policy New Federalism New Federalism Announces urban crisis is over and dismantles LBJ’s Great Society Announces urban crisis is over and dismantles LBJ’s Great Society program to reduce taxes to win middle-class support. program to reduce taxes to win middle-class support. General Revenue Sharing General Revenue Sharing Nixon’s plan to give federal tax revenues to state and local Nixon’s plan to give federal tax revenues to state and local government to use as they saw fit in government to use as they saw fit in Tried to court Southern whites by nominating southerners to the Supreme Tried to court Southern whites by nominating southerners to the Supreme Court, but failed. Court, but failed. Clement Haynesworth of Florida and G.Harold Carswell of Alabama Clement Haynesworth of Florida and G.Harold Carswell of Alabama Secretary of Labor George Shultz crafted Nixon’s desegregation program Secretary of Labor George Shultz crafted Nixon’s desegregation program Inflation grew due to the rising cost of energy Inflation grew due to the rising cost of energy O.P.E.C.’s oil embargo in due to U.S. support of Israel in O.P.E.C.’s oil embargo in due to U.S. support of Israel inoil embargo oil embargo the Arab-Israeli War. the Arab-Israeli War. Created “Stagflation”-combination of inflation + high unemployment + Created “Stagflation”-combination of inflation + high unemployment + flat economic growth. flat economic growth.
Americans as Environmentalists: Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” (1962) pointed out the danger of Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” (1962) pointed out the danger of DDT, a commercial pesticide believed to be responsible for killing birds DDT, a commercial pesticide believed to be responsible for killing birds led to the environmental movement of the 1960s. led to the environmental movement of the 1960s. Earth Day 4/22/69 Earth Day 4/22/69 President Nixon creates the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1/1970 President Nixon creates the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1/1970 In 1978, residents near Love Canal in Buffalo, New York discovered that their neighborhood was built on a chemical waste dump requiring the creation of “Superfund” cleanup legislation by the federal government. In 1978, residents near Love Canal in Buffalo, New York discovered that their neighborhood was built on a chemical waste dump requiring the creation of “Superfund” cleanup legislation by the federal government.