Visual Rhetoric By: Nick Kingrey
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience for this visual would be intended for everybody in general. Warning them about the effects of drunk driving.
How does the lighting affect the image?
The lighting is very dull. Symbolizing how tragic drunk driving can be on families and friends.
What is the ethical appeal?
The Outdoor Advert group logo would be the ethical appeal of this photo.
What is the emotional appeal?
The emotional appeal in this image would be the cause of drunk drivers being on the road where as they can wreck into trees or even worse into other cars.
What is the logical appeal?
The logical appeal would be if you drink and drive then you are at a higher risk to wreck.
Works cited "Reserved For Drunk Drivers." Outdoor Advert. Ed. None. Advertolog, n.d. Web. 26 Nov