INDIA 2004 Polio Plus Powell River Rotarian Jan Gisborne traveled to India to take part in the National Immunization Day February 22, 2004 Polio Plus Powell River Rotarian Jan Gisborne traveled to India to take part in the National Immunization Day February 22, 2004
Posters advertise NID Rotary in India prints posters and banners used to promote the immunization days.
Banners on vehicles transporting volunteers from clinic to clinic. Bareilly, India Over 800 clinics
Clinic set up for NID
Giving Polio drops
Going door to door, narrow alleyways Lady in green has indelible pen to mark the children’s baby finger.
Mothers bring their children to the clinics to get the drops Note the NID banner in the background
Lady blessing the immunization team
Note the little boy is holding a whistle - Rotary in India give them a small reward for taking the drops.
Sadly, Polio still has victims
Polio victim getting his dressing changed
Jaipur Limb Clinic, India Polio victim with leg braces
Polio victim who is only able to crawl
Global Case Count October 29, 2008 Total Cases YTD 2008 YTD 2007 TOTAL 2007 Globally Endemic countries Non-Endemic Countries
Endemic Countries Breakdown CountryYTD 2008Total 2007 Pakistan8732 India Nigeria Afghanistan2217