1 Digital processing applications for DE2 card High Speed Digital Systems Lab Winter 2008/09 Instructor: Mony Orbach Students : Avner Reisz, Natty Nizri 1 semester project
Introduction The MSS (mixed signal system) from Alex & Rony’s project, combines analog and digital signals. With the help of Alterra’s DE2, analog signals can be digitally processed after being sampled by the MSS. 2
Introduction This is the case handled: 3
4 Topics Project goal Project goal Project goal Signal regulation Signal regulation Signal regulation Outputs Outputs Block diagram Block diagram Block diagram Rates & frequencies Rates & frequencies Rates & frequencies Time table Time table Time table The applications The applications The applications Inputs Inputs
5 Project goal Writing the DE2-MSS interface in VHDL. Designing of amplifiers, filters and noise reductions for that interface. Writing the digital processing applications.
Signal regulation The MSS can get ±1v as input and ±1.4v as output. In order to enlarge these ranges, we put an attenuator at the input and an amplifier at the output. In addition, the unipolar output of the MSS is turned into a bipolar signal. (the amplifier kills the 2.5v DC) 6
7 Inputs DE2 Function generator MSS 8-bit BUS (100 kHz) Attenuator + LPF 1/10 50 kHz
8 Outputs 8-bit BUS (100 kHz) DE2 MSS Scope Amplifier +LPF 10/ kHz
9 Block diagram Function generator Scope DE2 MSS Amp.att.
10 Rates & frequencies: MSS BW: 20Hz – 50kHz* Input: ± 1v (attenuated from ±10v) Output: 2.5 ± 1.4v (then amplified to ±10v)
11 Rates & frequencies: DE2 I/O: 8 bit bus 100kHz Cyclone II 50/27 MHz
The Aplications: Saturation: Cuts to the signal to a max value whenever crossing it. 2. Time stretch: Stretches the signal in time. (This is actually like freq. reduce) 3. DC: Applies a DC value of choice. (e.g. Vrms or peak of the original signal) Division: Divides the signal (letting the user choose the factor is an option..) 5. Filter.
13 Time table Information gathering Information gathering Characterization presentation Characterization presentation Study sampling & reconstruction Study sampling & reconstruction Input decrease solution + LPF Input decrease solution + LPF Output normalization + LPF Output normalization + LPF Quartus acquaintance Quartus acquaintance VHDL review VHDL review Simple test application (+ test) Simple test application (+ test) Midterm presentation Midterm presentation Algorithm design Algorithm design VHDL design (+ test) VHDL design (+ test) Week