3D Spatial Exploration An artificial intelligence to pursue and locate a hidden target
Nebula 3 Has all the needed features ● Real-time rendering ● User input ● Path-finding ● GUI
AI Functionality ● AI senses – Sight ● AI behavior: – Probability based searching – Pursuing a visible target. – Detection of changes in the environment
Probabilistic seeking ● Probabilistic Occupancy Map ● Map/Grid of the world ● Set probability to 1 where the target is seen. ● Set probability to 0 where the target isn't seen. ● Probability will decay and spread, becoming weaker as time goes on and it grows.
Probabilistic seeking
Sight Do it as Thief? ● Several view cones to simulate focus and peripheral vision. Synthetic vision? ● Render the scene from the agents eyes.
Sight How do we know where we've looked? ● Probability Map? – Don't work in 3D (Hiding beneath objects). ● Test view cones/frustum against an octree? – Mark cells as seen if X% is inside the view. – Otherwise, split into smaller cells Needs more research and experimentation.
References Isla D. & Blumberg B. - Object Persistence for Synthetic Creatures Leonard T. - Building an AI Sensory System: Examining The Design of Thief: The Dark Project