Seasonal Motion
Daily and yearly motion intertwined Solar vs Siderial Day –Earth rotates in 23 h 56 m –also rotates around sun needs 4 min. to “catch up” Consequence: stars rise 4 minutes earlier each night (or two hours per month, or 12 hours in ½ year) After 1/2 year we see a completely different sky at night!
Seasonal Motion Daily Rising and Setting: –Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis –Period of rotation: 1 siderial day= 23 h 56 m 4.1 s –1 solar day (Noon to Noon) = 24 h –Stars rotate around the North Star – Polaris Seasonal Changes: –Monthly differences caused by Earth’s orbit around sun
The Zodiac throughout the Year Example: In Winter sun in Sagittarius, Gemini at night sky; in summer sun in Gemini, Sagittarius at night sky
Zodiacal signs vs. Constellations -360/12=30, so each zodiacal sign is exactly 30 degrees “long” -0 degrees: Aries, 30 degrees: Taurus, 60 degrees: Gemini, 90 degrees: Cancer, etc. “Constellation” is a modern, well-defined term - Some constellations are big, some are small on the celestial sphere “Zodiacal sign” is the old way of dividing the year and the Sun’s path into 12 equal parts
Another Complication: Axis Tilt! The Earth’s rotation axis is tilted 23½ degrees with respect to the plane of its orbit around the sun (the ecliptic) It is fixed in space sometimes we look “down” onto the ecliptic, sometimes “up” to it Path around sun Rotation axis
Position of Ecliptic on the Celestial Sphere Earth axis is tilted w.r.t. ecliptic by 23 ½ degrees Equivalent: ecliptic is tilted by 23 ½ degrees w.r.t. equator! Sun appears to be sometime above (e.g. summer solstice), sometimes below, and sometimes on the celestial equator
Precession of the Equinoxes Precession period about 26,000 years “The dawning of the age of Aquarius”
Is the sun rising in the East? Typically NOT! See for yourself! –Study variation of the rising/setting points of the sun over time –Need at least 10 sunrises or sunsets; more is better –Measure time and azimuth (angle relative to North) –Note position of sunrise/sunset on horizon –Measure angle to that position relative to some fixed landmark (mountain, etc.)
The Seasons Change of seasons is a result of the tilt of the Earth’s rotation axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic Sun, moon, planets run along the ecliptic