Deism: Considered God to be a remote being who created the universe and then withdrew from direct involvement with the human race Popular in the latter half of the 18 th Cen. Unitarianism: Dissenting views of the New England Congressional Church Salvation was available to all
% of Americans attended church 1801-churches were encouraged to fight off the spread of religious rationalism Change their organizations Presbyterians tried to arouse members on the Western frontier Methodist used itinerant preachers Baptists were most popular
Not consistent But….. Individuals must readmit God and Christ into their daily lives Must embrace active piety Reject rationalism that threatened traditional beliefs Brought a sense of order and stability to a new community
,000 Christian ministers ,000 Methodists had 1 million members (1840) Deism was dying off
Salvation was available to all Women Men moving west left a lack of men to marry Worry of an uncertain future Religion gave comfort Slaves Substantial group of black preachers Preached to slaves
Camp (or revival) meetings Brought in thousands of people for worship and fellowship Lasted 1-30 days
Stressed the right of private judgment in spiritual matters It was possible to gain universal salvation through faith and good works Sinners could have a “change of heart” and be saved Preachers railed against greed and indifference to the welfare of others
Stressed the importance of: Industry Sobriety Self discipline Used these qualities to prosper in the new economic world of the 19 th Cen. What else could this lead to?