The Scientific Revolution
Medieval View of the World Earth was an unmoving object Moon, sun, planets all revolved in perfect circles around the earth geocentric theory (Aristotle and Ptolemy ‘confirmed’ this) Christianity taught that God deliberately placed earth at the center and that God/heaven was in a specific place in the universe God/Heaven
The Scientific Revolution began when… the geocentric model (earth-centered theory) was questioned by leading astronomers. Hmmmm….I don’t think that theory is correct!
So why did people start to question things? Renaissance -- Rejection/questioning of traditional ideas and ‘rebirth’ and re-learning of ancient texts (Greek and Roman) Age of Exploration -- they had a better understanding of the world
So what was the Scientific Revolution? It was a new way of thinking about the natural world It was based on careful observation It spurred a willingness to question accepted beliefs It was shunned by the Catholic Church
Nicolaus Copernicus Polish astronomer Disputed the validity of the geocentric theory and supported the heliocentric theory Feared ridicule and persecution for contradicting religious views Published findings right before he died -- On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies I’m right and you’re wrong!!!!!!
Heliocentric model (sun-centered theory) So why do you think the heliocentric theory upset the Church so much?
Johannes Kepler Concluded that certain mathematical laws govern planetary motion Discoverd elliptical orbits of planets Laws showed that Copernicus ideas were mathematically correct By gosh -- Copernicus was 99% right!
Galileo Galilei Falling objects fall at a fixed and predictable rate (tested at the Leaning Tower of Pisa) Improved the telescope to study the skies -- discovered 4 moons of Jupiter Supported Copernicus in Starry Messenger Found guilty of going against the teachings of the church (heresy) - Placed on house arrest until his death His books and ideas spread throughout Europe
Isaac Newton Wrote Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy (aka the Principia) Wrote Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy (aka the Principia) Explained the 3 laws of motion that govern the universe Explained the 3 laws of motion that govern the universe Universal law of gravitation -- all objects in the universe attract all other objects Universal law of gravitation -- all objects in the universe attract all other objects Discovered gravity as a force Discovered gravity as a force
Galen Greek doctor whose ideas dominated medicine Was wrong in many instances – relied on information about animals and tried to apply them to humans I did the best that I could with the information that I had -- don’t hate on me!!
Andreas Vesalius Dissected humans to accurately describe human anatomy William Harvey Showed the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body
Blaise Pascal Pascal’s Law – how liquids behaved under pressure Developed syringe and hydraulic press Robert Boyle One of the 1 st scientists to conduct experiments in chemistry Boyle’s Law – gas, pressure, blah, blah ;-) Antoine Lavoisier Invented system of naming elements ‘founder’ of modern chemistry
Women in the Scientific Revolution Margaret Cavendish philosopher Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy: book that criticized the growing belief that human were now masters of nature because of science Maria Winkelmann Accomplished astronomer Discovered a comet **Both women’s work was not completely accepted because they were women
Rene Descartes Developed analytical geometry (algebra + geometry) Relied on mathematics and logic Everything should be doubted until proven by reason
Francis Bacon Urged scientists to experiment and to use inductive reasoning Helped to develop the experimental (scientific method)
Effects of the Scientific Revolution Sun centered solar system became widely accepted Improvements in medicine Invention of scientific instruments Disproved MANY of Aristotle’s and other Greek teachings Questioning traditional teachings of the Catholic Church