Unit 5 Test: Ancient Rome and Rise of Christianity Content: Text: Sections 1-5 (pp ) 1.The Roman World Takes Shape 2.From Republic to Empire 3.The Roman Achievement 4.The Rise of Christianity 5.The Long Decline 6.Chapter Vocab
Parts of Test: 20 pts. covers factual knowledge Format: Matching, multiple choice, fill-in-blank 10 pts. Analysis and Synthesis Format Short answer responses (please use complete sentences) 6 pts. Map Identification
Sample Practice Questions: 1.Where a powerful queen’s ambitions involved 3 of the most powerful men in Rome, influencing its civil wars. 2.Romans laid waste to this empire’s capital in revenge for Rome’s greatest military disaster.
Active Study Suggestions: Review homework, including maps, and lecture notes. Create map questions similar to sample and practice with classmates. Use Quick Study Guide and timeline, pp View again 3 PowerPoint Class Notes. Practice writing short essay answers using objective questions as beginning of each subsection.
Test Taking Strategies Look through the test first to get an overview. Budget your time. Leave 5 minutes at end to check that you have completed and have put your name, etc. on all parts of test.