UC Freshmen Comprehensive Review Process
Grade Point Average GPA x 1000 =Your score Use grades from 10 th & 11 th grade For example, if your weighted GPA is 3.5, your score would be Total points possible: 4500 Don’t forget to include extra semester grade points for approved honors, AP and UC transferable college courses.
SAT I or ACT + Writing & SAT II Take all required exams, SAT I or ACT+writing and SAT II x.08 SAT I: Critical Reading, Math and Writing OR ACT + ACT Writing SAT II: Take 2 Subject tests (If you select Math, you must take Math 2) Total Points Possible: 3200 Register for SATs by October 1 st or register for ACT+ Writing by October 2 nd (Late fee)
Compare/Contrast SAT with ACT SAT includes reading, math and writing The writing is at the beginning of the exam and you have 25 minutes. ¼ point penalty for wrong answers Reason-based Basic fee= $45 ACT includes reading, math, English and science The writing test is 30 minutes at the end of the exam. No penalty for wrong answers Curriculum-based Basic fee= $32 (plus $15 for writing)
How Colleges Use Scores If you take both and do better on one, colleges will use the higher score. You can take either test more than once. Colleges will take the highest total combined score Class of 2012 won’t be required to take SAT II Subject tests.
A-G Courses The number of A-G semester courses beyond the minimum specified for UC eligibility 250 pts for applicants with courses, 500 pts for 40 or more courses Total points possible 500
Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) increases the University of California's presence in each California high school extends UC eligibility to students with high academic accomplishments at schools that historically have sent few graduates to the University. the top four percent of students in each participating California high school's graduating senior class are granted UC eligibility, based on their successful completion of specific college preparatory coursework. Total Points Possible: 300
Educational Environment Identified schools which fall into the 4 th or 5 th quintiles Total points possible: 300 MHS not eligible
Low Family Income If parental income is less than $28,275 for a family of four = 300 pts If parental income is less than $47,355 for a family of eight = 300 pts If parental income is less than $60,000 for a family of four = 150 pts Total points possible = 300
First-generation College Attendance Using most educated parent: 150 pts for some college or 2-yr graduate High school education or less worth 300 pts Total points possible: 300
Demonstrated Leadership 150 pts for 2 minor roles, i.e. Pres. Or VP of club, captain or co-captain of team, secretary, treasure of class or school 300 pts for one major leadership role, i.e. President or VP of class or school, Editor-in- chief, Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Award Total Points Possible = 300
Special Talents, Achievements & Awards Single = 150 pts, Multiple = 300 Examples: Black belt, creative entrepreneurship Achievements/Talents must be first, second or third in a league, regional, citywide or wider competition Examples: Boys &Girls State, RYLA, Science Fair, sports teams, Academic Decathlon, Academic League
Volunteer/Community Service Demonstrated charitable work or community service not compensated with pay or class credit. Tip: List specific duties and tasks Highest total combined hours over 2 years total hours = 150 pts 200 or more hours = 300 pts
Participation in Pre-Collegiate/ Motivational & Enrichment Programs Total Points Possible = pts for one year, 150 for two years, 300 for three or more years Examples: AVID, EAOP, GEAR UP, Upward Bound, COSMOS
Special Circumstances and/or Personal Challenges Total Points possible: 11,100 Single parent household = 250 pts Student works to contribute to family income and minimum 20 hours per week during school = 250 pts Life altering event = 500 pts i.e. in foster care, death of immediate family member, personal involvement in a life trauma Less severe event/situation = 250
Personal Statement Tips: Follow all directions carefully and mention any of the special circumstances or personal challenges Write multiple drafts of your personal statement Type your personal statement prior to applying online so you can simply cut and paste it. Use all of the English skills you’ve mastered throughout high school i.e. figurative language, precise diction, complex sentences, organization etc. Be as personal as possible
Topics for Personal Statement Prompt #1 (freshman applicants) Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
Topic # 2 Prompt #2 (all applicants) Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?
Instructions for Personal Statement Respond to both prompts, using a maximum of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish. If you choose to respond to one prompt at greater length, we suggest your shorter answer be no less than 250 words. Stay within the word limit as closely as you can. A little over — 1,012 words, for example — is fine.
Application information Applications open October 1 st and they are due at midnight on November 30 th. Use your transcript to fill out your application Apply online:
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”—Malcolm X Former Morse students currently attend UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz and UC Santa Barbara and many more colleges! No matter what college you choose you will have a bright future!!