Thursday, Aug. 23 rd : “A” Day Friday, Aug. 24 th : “B” Day Agenda Collect Student Safety Agreements (10 pts XC) Safety movie Tour of lab/safety equipment Safety Test Safety demo Safety project Homework: 1.Get SSA’s signed/return for 5 pts x-credit 2.Work on safety project with lab partner
Safety Movie Safety in the Science Lab (30 minutes) Be sure to pay attention because some of this material is on the safety test!
Tour of Lab/Safety Equipment Be sure to note the location of: Safety glasses Fire extinguisher Fire blanket Safety shower Eyewash station Gas shut-off valve Telephone Fire alarm pull station
Lab Safety Test Hints Question #4 has 2 correct answers; you only have to circle 1 of them. Question #12 was covered in the safety movie. Read question #13 very carefully. For question #19, just put an “X” in the boxes if you know where those items are located. In question #31, “prohibited” means “not allowed”.
Lab Safety Test Good Luck!
Safety Demo Why do we always have to wear chemical aprons when we’re in the lab? They’re hot and uncomfortable make me look like some kind of “chemistry chef”! Why can’t we wear flip-flops in the lab when it’s practically still summer outside? Here’s why………
Safety Demo Concentrated sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4, is a very strong and corrosive acid that will “eat through” clothing. Always wear your lab apron when in the lab. Wearing old clothing is a good idea too.
Your 1 st lab partner will be…… Get together with your 8:00 partner right now.
Safety Project Due Dates Objective Procedure Grading
Looking Ahead Homework: 1.Get SSA’s signed/return for 5 pts x-credit 2.Work on safety project with lab partner You will need your yellow lab folder next time… Meet the players for fall sports: Thursday, August 23 rd, 7:00 p.m.