Roman Empire
Roman Law Law was first codified by the Twelve Tables Comprised of a court system with lawyers and a judge Foundation for modern laws
Julius Caesar PPPPower hungry Roman Senator CCCConquers Gaul Veni, Vidi, Veci TTTThe Roman Senate grew jealous of Caesar and ordered him to return home CCCCaesar marched on Rome with his army
First Dictator TTTThe other consul, Pompey, lead an army against Caesar CCCCaesar won the battle and anointed himself dictator CCCCaesar was loved by the lower class, but hated by the nobles and Senate CCCCaesar was betrayed and stabbed to death at the senate
Augustus (63 BC-AD 14) originally named Octavian Caesar’s grandnephew and adopted son defeated rivals in civil wars after Caesar’s death became Rome’s 1st emperor started a 200-year period of prosperity called the Pax Romana (“Roman Peace”)
Roman engineering roads Romans paved thousands of miles of roads that helped the empire communicate and expand
Roman engineering roads Romans paved thousands of miles of roads that helped the empire communicate and expand the arch curved support structure can support more weight than the post and lintel
Roman engineering roads Romans paved thousands of miles of roads that helped the empire communicate and expand the arch curved support structure can support more weight than the post and lintel concrete a construction material consisting of gravel, sand, water, and cement sturdy, lightweight, inexpensive
Roman engineering roads Romans paved thousands of miles of roads that helped the empire communicate and expand the arch curved support structure can support more weight than the post and lintel concrete a construction material consisting of gravel, sand, water, and cement sturdy, lightweight, inexpensive aqueducts channels that carry water supplied Roman cities with large supplies of fresh water allowing them to expand
The Colosseum
The Pantheon
Christianity DDDDuring Pax Romana a religious leader named Jesus appears in the Middle East JJJJesus is executed by the Romans, but his teachings live on HHHHis follower, Paul spreads the teaching of Jesus throughout the Roman Empire
Vesuvius volcano in southern Italy erupted in AD 79 destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum ruins provide information about daily life in the Roman Empire
Late Empire CCCChristians are persecuted throughout Rome EEEEmperor Constantine converts to Christianity, allowing it to spread EEEEmpire is so large it is split in half
Fall of Rome IIIInternal and external pressure weaken Rome GGGGermanic tribes attack the borders AAAAtilla the Hun sweeps into Italy WWWWestern Empire Falls in 476 A.D. but Eastern half persists