Why are maps so important?
Maps are wonderful tools that help us find our way on a street, in a city, in a country, on the planet, etc. If you have a current map, you can always find where you are, if you know how.
Maps and globes are important for the history of European civilization and the discovery of America.
Maps are the major tool of the geographer. A map to a geographer is what a paintbrush is to an artist or good cooking equipment is to a gourmet cook--an essential tool.
Many geographers believe that maps can be used to illustrate almost any problem or issue.
If you don't know how to read maps, you won't get very far. Let’s see if you recognize the following maps…
What Type of Map is This?
Political Map Definition: Compass Key
Physical Map Definition: Compass Key
Physica l
Landform Map Definition: Compass Key
Distribution Map Definition: Compass Key
Distributio n