Earth System Science in the Community Earth’s Dynamic Geosphere Chapter 1: Volcanoes and Your Community
Earth’s Dynamic Geosphere Module Volcanoes and Your Community Plate Tectonics and Your Community Earthquakes and Your Community
Getting Started: Earth Systems
Chapter Activities 1. Where are the Volcanoes? 2. Volcanic Landforms 3. Volcanic Hazards: Flows 4. Volcanic Hazards: Airborne Debris 5. Volcanoes and the Atmosphere 6. Volcanic History of Your Community 7. Monitoring Active Volcanoes
Where are the Volcanoes? Understand that most volcanism occurs beneath the ocean.
Volcanic Landforms Understand basic relationships between magma composition and type of volcano formed.
Volcanic Hazards: Flows Measure and understand how volume, temperature, slope, and channelization affect the flow of fluids.
Volcanic Hazards: Airborne Debris Interpret maps and graph data from past volcanic eruptions to understand the range in scale of volcanic eruptions.
Volcanoes and the Atmosphere Understand that gases are dissolved in magma and emitted during volcanism.
Volcanic History of Your Community Interpret geologic maps to search for evidence of volcanism.
Monitoring Active Volcanoes Understand that volcanoes go through changes that can be monitored prior to an eruption.
Completing the Chapter Challenge EarthComm students share the results of their inquiry in and beyond the classroom.