How to Succeed in School (and in Life) By: Mr. Eusebio
About Me Teacher Counselor Parent Coach Student Family Comes First Sense of Humor Work Hard, Play Hard Motto: “We Who Are About to Die, Refuse to”
How to Succeed in School I. Classroom Expectations: / A. Follow ALL Mission Rules. / B. Make the Right Choices. / C. Respect (Yourself and Others).
How to Succeed in School II. Consequences: / 1. Grades and Citizenship are affected. / 2. Verbal or Visual Warning. / 3. Change of Seat. / 4. Move to another classroom to reflect on behavior and complete Behavior Log. / 5. Detention (In-class, Lunch, or After School Detention). / 6. Parent call or conference. / 7. Escort. / 8. Restitution and Rehabilitation.
How to Succeed in School III. Rewards: /*/* Earn a Good Grade. /*/* Front of the line passes. /*/* Receive a Certificate or Award. /*/* Have a Celebration. /*/* Free Time (for play or do independent work).
DAILY AGENDA / Warm up / Review What We Learned / Direct Instruction / Guided Practice / Independent Work / Group or Partner Work / Reflection / Clean Up / Exit Exercise
INDEPENDENT WORK RULES: a. Observe Silence. Do not talk so that others can do their own work. b. Get materials (books, paper, notebook, pencils, pens) QUIETLY. c. Think. d. Do the Work. e. When do we observe Independent Work Rules: 1. Warm-Up 2. Directed Instruction 3. Guided Practice 4. Reflection 5. During tests or quizzes
Other Classroom and School Policies: / Attendance - show up promptly every day. / Tardies - affects your grade. / Use appropriate language only. / Observe sign language we use to communicate in class. / Wait to be called. (DO NOT BLURT out answers). / Restrooms - Go before class and during breaks. If you need to go, wait until we are doing Independent Work, then ask permission using corresponding sign language. You will need to sign out, give me your ID, and use a pass. (No restroom passes in first and last 15 minutes of class). / Chewing gum means you chose to be part of clean up crew. / No electronic devices (ipods, mp3’s, cameras, cell phones) in class. / At the end of class pick up the trash.
Grading Policy A = 90 B = 80 C = 70 Anything less than a “C” means you have to work harder to pass. What makes up your grade: 1. Classwork (warm-up, participation, in-class worksheet, attendance) = 30% 2. Homework = 30% 3. Tests (Quizzes and Tests) = 30% 4. Behavior (Citizenship) = 10%
How to Succeed in School Tips: / 1. Help one another. / 2. Develop good listening skills / 3. Create a great work ethic. (Work hard, play hard!)
4. Have a sense of humor. (Relax. You will live longer).
5. Think before you speak or write. It will get you farther than just saying or writing what comes to your mind right away.
6. Do not panic! If you do not know or cannot remember, it is okay. You will remember later…
7. Just do the work. Sometimes just putting the pen or pencil on the paper is enough to start your thinking process.
8. Use your imagination. Its your best tool.
9. Ask questions! It is better to ask your questions right away, than continue being confused.
10. Think outside the box. Where others think of “Why?,” have the courage to think, “Why not?”
Thank You and Good Luck! IIf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to see me before or after school, or during lunch.
What Your Child Will Learn in History/Social Studies in 7th Grade? 11. Medieval and Early Modern Times (early 1800’s) aa. Roman Empire bb. The Americas (Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs). cc. Africa (Mali Tribe). dd. Asia (India, China and Japan)
22. Big Projects: aa. Alternate Timeline Comics bb. Building a Castle and Designing a Shield. cc. Technology (WebQuest, PowerPoint and Group Presentation). dd. Multimedia (Video or Performance Art). ee. Experiential (Field Trips, Renaissance Faire).
33. Learning to be a Productive Member of Society. aa. How do they apply what they learned in life? bb. What lessons did they learn from the past? cc. What did they learn about their own personal history? dd. How can they show respect to other cultures? ee. What can they do to improve society?
How Can You Help Your Child 11. By helping them to be prepared: aa. Make sure they have school supplies (paper, pencil, pen, poster board papers for projects, markers or crayons, glue and scissors) bb. Ask them if they have homework (and they should tell you they do). cc. Ask them to show you their agenda. (You have to sign it as part of their homework).
22. By communicating with me. aa. Via telephone. bb. Respond to the notes I send home with your child. cc. Setting up an appointment to meet with me after school.
33. By supporting them: aa. Get them a library card. bb. Set up a time and a place for them to study. cc. Cut down TV or video games. (Save it for weekends or after their homework is completed). dd. Talking to them. Ask them what they did or learned in school today.