National Conference On Agriculture For Kharif Campaign-2015 Group-I : Strategy To Issue Soil Health Cards In Time Bound Manner
2 JHARKHAND STATE PROFILE Area in % Area in Lakhs Ha * Total Geographical Area: * Total Cultivable Land :38.00 * Net Sown Area:28.08% * Current Fallow:11.12%8.87 * Other Fallow:08.46%6.75 * Forest:29.20%23.28 * Barren Lands:7.20%5.74 * Non – Agricultural Use:8.60%6.86 * Pasture and Other Grazing Land:2.48%1.97 * Cultivable Waste Land:3.44%2.74 * Irrigated land:12.73%3.007 * Cropping Intensity :125%
Group -1 S.noSoil ParametersStatus (% of TGA) Low %Medium %High % 1.Organic Carbon % (<0.50%)25.61 ( %) (>0.75%) 2Available Nitrogen (kg/ha) (<280 kg/ha) ( kg/ha) 8.28 (>560 kg/ha) 3Available Phosphorus (Kg/ha) (<10 kg/ha) (10-25 kg/ha) 4.54 (>25 kg/ha) 4Available Potassium (kg/ha) (<108 kg/ha) ( kg/ha) (>280 kg/ha) 5Available Sulphur (mg/kg) (<10 mg/kg) (10-20 mg/kg) 28.8 (<20 mg/kg) Soil Fertility Status of Jharkhand
Group -1 S.noSoil Reaction ClassArea (‘00 ha)% of the TGA 1.Extremely acidic (pH<4.5) Very Strongly acidic (pH 4.5 to 5.0) Strongly acidic (pH 5.1 to 5.5) Moderately acidic (pH 5.6 to 6.0) Slightly acidic (pH 6.1 to 6.5) Neutral (pH 6.6 to 7.3) Slightly alkaline (pH 7.4 to 7.8) Moderately alkaline to strongly alkaline (pH > 7.8) Soils of Jharkhand under different Reaction classes
Group -1 S.noSoil ParametersStatus (% of TGA) DeficientSufficient 1.Available Zinc (mg/ kg) 7.41 (<0.5 mg/kg) (>0.5 mg/kg) 2Available Copper (mg/ kg) 4.32 (<0.2 mg/kg) (>0.2 mg/kg) 3Available Boron (mg/ kg) (<0.25 mg/kg) (>0.25 mg/kg) Micro Nutrients status
Group -1 S.NoYearNo. of Soil Samples analyzed by State Gov. labs S.H.C issued Progress Report of Soil Health Cards
Soil Testing Laboratories In The State Existing Soil Testing Labs : (i)State Govt.- 8 (ii)Krishi Vigyan Kendra- 8 Proposed Under P.P.P. mode - 25
FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION AS-N.P.K. Unit –M.T N:94962 P:53204 K: N: P:55094 K: N:82477 P:17310 K:3689
Low analyzing capacity of the labs. Service area of the labs are large 3-4 Districts. Proper and sufficient no. of soil samples are not received by the labs. Soil health cards are not prepared timely. Shortage of technicians. Imbalanced fertilizer use. Group -1 CONSTRAINTS
SOIL HEALTH CARD SCHEME (BENIFITS) Promotion of balanced & judicious use of plant nutrients. Soil health cards for all the land holdings. Efficiency enhancement of S.T.L. Quick delivery of soil health cards possible. Uniform norms for soil sampling& analysis. Study of fertility related constraints. Reclamation of acidic soil. Increased productivity.
SOIL HEALTH CARD SCHEME (STRATEGY) Number Of Land Holdings -27 Lakh. Number of Soil Health Cards To be Issued In Three Years -27 Lakh. Numbers Of Soil Samples To Be Collected & Analaysed -1.82Lakh. Districts To Be Covered - 24 Blocks To Be Covered - 259
Drawing Samples From Field & OTHER ACTIVITIES Directly Through Agriculture Department Staff V.L.W., B.T.M., A.T.M., Farmers Friend. Norms Of Soil Sampling: (i)In irrigated areas, samples will be drawn in a grid of 2.5 ha. (ii)In rain fed areas, sampling will be done in a 10 ha. Grid Training to soil chemists,J.R.F., farmers will be organized for capacity building. Organizing Awareness programme. Organizing demonstration.
Strengthening of STL providing auto analyzers and other equipments. Running labs in PPP mode in all the districts ( lab buildings are ready). Collection of soil samples through GPS for preparation of village level Soil health Maps. Development of Software for speedy online issue of soil health card. Providing digital pusa stfr meter/mridaparikchak(developed by IISS,Bhopal) to ATIC. Developing S.T.C.R. equations for all crops grown in the state in collabration with I.I.S.S.,Bhopal& B.A.U. Ranchi. Providing internet connection & computer operetor to S.T.L. Appointment of Technical Staff on contract basis. Involving science colleges in soil analysis work. Group -1 Suggestions Following suggestions are being made to be implemented under soil health card scheme.