Session #5 – Finding Your Voice – Part 2
Moral sense of right and wrongMoral sense of right and wrong The guiding force for vision, discipline, and passionThe guiding force for vision, discipline, and passionConscience vs. Ego threatened by negative feedback threatened by negative feedback Ego is reactive Ego is reactive Primarily about Right and Wrong Trustworthiness Integrity Answers the question WHY? Others oriented Care for other people It sacrifices Wants the BEST What does Conscience do and why is it important for leadership? Conscience Teaches Ends and Means are inseparable How we get there is (more) important than what we do Affects vision, discipline and passion through relationships: Vision becomes shared Discipline becomes organization Passion becomes compassion Others vs Self Oriented helping others to find their voice 3 Outlooks Important to Leadership People vs Things relationships are more important Abundance vs Scarcity Mentality how you view resources
What do you deserve? A question about how you see yourself in relation to others and the world.