W ORK L IFE BALANCE Autumn semester 2010
W HAT IS WLB? being aware of different demands on time and energy having the ability to make choices in the allocation of time and energy knowing what values to apply to choices making choices.
S TRIKING A BALANCE For employees: Different individuals will have different expectations and needs at different times in their life For customers: Organisations need to respond to the demands of their customers if they are to continue to be successful For organisations: Organisations need to be able to manage costs, maintain profitability and ensure that teams work effectively together.
W HY THE CHANGE ? (1) Changing structure of working population In full- or part-time education until older more of us are opting to retire earlier UK: Largest growth in labour market participation = mothers with young children UK: 66% of the increase in population because of immigration Generation Y (born 1978+): Look at an organisation’s track record on corporate social responsibility Not afraid to negotiate flexible working
W HY THE CHANGE ? (2) UK: 22.5 m +people in service sector just 4.6 million in manufacturing Intensity of work has increased: average working hours are shorter, but work is carried out faster Affects all EU countries, all industries, all occupational categories. Changes in technology (IT and telephony: Give employers more flexibility in how ask people to work 80% of managers: virtual working (e-working) = key business issue
W HY THE CHANGE ? (3) 24/7 culture - Customers expect service at times that suit them More and more people have to juggle responsibilities at home and in the workplace Surveys show two concerns that emerge most frequently: - are long hours - work intensity
W HY THE CHANGE ? (4) ¾ say they are working very hard; many say working as hard as they can, not imagine being able to work any harder. Many people find that work gets in the way of non-work commitments 1/5 take work home almost every day Technology means many are continuously accessible, but at what cost? 1/3 partners of people who typically work more than 48 hours a week feel negative effect on personal relationships Only 33% of workers say employer has any family- friendly practices
B USINESS BENEFITS OF WLB (1) I NCREASED PRODUCTIVITY Employee control over their tasks affects effectiveness 49% of companies saw a positive increase in productivity (DTI, 2003).DTI, 2003
B USINESS BENEFITS OF WLB (2) R ECRUITMENT AND RETENTION : Labour turnover is expensive: - direct replacement costs - loss of skills and knowledge. All workers interested in good work-life balance - particularly important to carers, parents (mothers and fathers), graduates and older workers (DTI ) “Employer of choice” Case: BT saved £3 million in recruitment costs / year to March 2003: - 98% of women returned after maternity leave
B USINESS BENEFITS OF WLB (3) A BSENTEEISM The CBI believes that absenteeism levels are the main reason why UK productivity lags behind the US and some parts of Europe, costing the UK £11.6 billion per year. Good work-life balance policies take account of long-term absence, the causes of stress and the needs of different groups. See our work on Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing The London Borough of Camden experienced a 2.5% reduction in the cost of sickness absence in the first year it introduced a work-life balance strategy.
B USINESS BENEFITS OF WLB (3...) A BSENTEEISM Absenteeism levels main reason why UK productivity lags behind the US etc - costing the UK £11.6 billion per year (CBI ) Good work-life balance policies take account of: - long-term absence - causes of stress - needs of different groups Case: London Borough of Camden experienced a 2.5% reduction in the cost of sickness absence in first year
B USINESS BENEFITS OF WLB (4) O VERHEADS / C USTOMER EXPERIENCE Case: BT saved £52 million in overheads in 2003: - increasing its number of home workers - annual saving of £10 million in fuel costs Improved customer experience - cover for absence & holidays More motivated, satisfied and equitable workers Improved morale, commitment, engagement
T ARGETS Work-life balance is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work is accepted and respected as the norm, to the mutual benefit of the individual, business and society Not just for women Adult carers Sandwich generation Generational differences (Gen X, Gen Y, PC generation)
B USINESS BENEFITS Work-life balance business benefits include: Increased productivity Improved recruitment and retention Lower rates of absenteeism Reduced overheads An improved customer experience A more motivated, satisfied and equitable workforce.
B EST PRACTICE Review business and employee needs to meet customer needs, employee satisfaction and ensure compatibility with legislation Research other organisations’ experiences Set success measures, including productivity markers, labour turnover, sickness and absence rates Consult with management and staff representatives about implementation. Support management through implementation Monitor progress & adapt
D EMOGRAPHICS DON ’ T GO AWAY Spend longer in education/ choose to retire earlier Growth in labour market among mothers with young children Immigration account population growth Young workers not afraid to negotiate flexible working
W HAT ARE EMPLOYERS DOING ? (1) Flexible working Total %Male %Female % Base: All full/part-time workers (1,193)(591)(602) Working part-time Variable working hours (coming in/leaving late or early) Job sharing Working from home202120
N OTE : G AP BETWEEN OFFER AND TAKE - UP. I NDICATES THAT OFFER IS SUITABLE ? Total %Male %Female % Term-time-only working Annualised hours Nine-day fortnight 10 Other325 Don't know111 None192612
W HAT ARE EMPLOYERS DOING ? (2) Employee assistance programmes Financial services eg subsidised insurance or loans Loans /allowances to help pay for childcare Workplace crèches or medical centres Wellness to protect health/ prevent stress
W HAT ABOUT LAW ? Legal demands include: Annual leave Working time Parental leave Time off for dependant care Maternity leave Paternity leave Adoption leave Right to request flexible working Part-time work Detriment
W HAT TO DO ? Identify business need Adapt policies to match operational Include measures for performance Develop clear Lead from the top Communicate Monitor progress and draw lessons from experience
I N CONCLUSION... Meeting place: - employers desire productive organisation and highly motivated workforce - governments wish for a high-value-added, high-employment economy and just fair society Complementary not conflicting forces Traditional view: - battle with lazy workers - burden of legislation VERSUS - employees juggling commitment - workers overworked, excessive hours, stress High performance firms - empower workforce, get discretionary effort FW employees – more engaged, more productive