Monitoring Progress Jeremy Kabinoff
Assessments Improvement Process, increase internal accountability, ways to meet student needs. Short – Term Assessments Medium – Term Assessments Long – Term Assessments Each comes with specific time frames.
Short Term Teacher’s daily practice. Measure by: Class-work Home-work Home-work Class-room observations Conferences
Class-Work/Home-Work Alignment of work. Addresses student needs and struggles. Alignment of resources. Samples to department meetings.
Observations Participation and demonstrated understanding. Provides data by: Engagement levels, talk about texts, concepts, etc. Limitations Suggestion, talk to students about why there may be a visitor.
Conferences Conferences, small focus groups, surveys or written reflections. Approaches: Student conversations. Interviewer asks students to think aloud. Ask students to describe how they solved a problem. Focus groups on how they felt about the exercise or what they perceived.
Medium Term Gathered at wider intervals. Commercial tests, formative assessments or benchmark assessments, locally developed assessments. Tracks within a single school year. Administered several times.
Medium Term Usually reading and math. Allows the educator to learn about the types of errors. Considerations: Rubrics/Scoring System for open-ended responses. Speed of results Measurement of skills and difficult must remain consistent. Testing conditions.
Long Term Collected on annual basis (i.e. State Assessments) Con – applies pressure, “counts” and curriculum can be consumed by what’s on the test, time frame on results Pro’s – Creates urgency, evaluation of progress over years
Goals Improvement Goals A target for students’ growth Ex: moving a grade level above where they were. Proficiency Goals Target for how many students will a specific level of performance. Ex: 70% of 10 th graders will perform at or above grade level.
Goals Two distinct objectives GrowthCompetence Comparisons to other schools. Setting targets for mid and long term assessments. Ex: Intermediate goals. Suggestion: Add high stakes to create incentive.