Capitalize a letter
CAP or
In mixed punctuation there is punctuation following the ______ and ________.
Salutation and Complimentary Close
What is the correct spacing for the body of a letter?
SS with DS between paragraphs
Tr or
What is the spacing between the salutation and the body of the letter?
Double Space
Delete or take out
Del or
Quadruple Space
In a modified block format, what two parts of the letter start at the midway point?
Dateline and the Closing lines
What is the correct spacing between the dateline and the letter address?
Quadruple Space
Bottom Margin
Left Margin
How far is the subject line below the salutation?
Double Space
What is the spacing between the reference initials and the copy notation?
Double Space
Move Right
What is the spacing between the letter address and the salutation?
Double Space
Who do the reference initials belong to?
The person who typed the letter
Add a Space
Close up
or lc
Top Margin