Click to edit Master subtitle style 2/3/10 Well-being and happiness Santa Rastenytė PSbd8-02
2/3/10 Content Definitions Characteristic of happy people Mental health A model of complete mental health Increasing happiness in your life Conclusion References
2/3/10 Subjective well-being – combination of positive affect and general life satisfaction. Happiness – positive emotional state that is subjectively defined by each person.
2/3/10 Characteristics of happy people Happy people have high self-esteem Happy people have a firm sense of control Happy individuals are optimistic Happy people like to be around other people
2/3/10 Mental health Emotional well-being Social well-being Psychological well-being
2/3/10 A model of complete mental health
2/3/10 Increasing happiness in your life Take control of your time Act happy Join the “movement” movement Give the body the sleep it wants Give priory to close relationships Focus beyond the self Keep a gratitude journal Nurture your spiritual self
2/3/10 Conclusion Happiness is a central criterion of mental health. Bigger part of our happiness depends on our self.
2/3/10 References: Robert S. Feldman Understanding psychology. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc P. Alex Lindley and Stephen Joseph Positive psychology on practise John Wiley & Sons, Inc C.R. Snyder & Shane J. Lopez. Positive Psychology. London, 2007.
2/3/10 The end Questions?