Phasing In – formulation and pre- partner programme activities Brussels, 25 January 2015
Contents 1.Intro pre-partner programme 2.Appointment Flemish team 3.Formulation
Programme cycle – 5 year strategic planning phases / Annual Activity programmes 3 Country level Institutional University Cooperation Program me Cycle Phase In - Pre Partner Programme Phase 1 – Capacity Building Phase II PP: Consolidation and valorisation Phase Out YearO Partner ships
Step 1 – TEAM COMPOSITION and orientation sessions
Step 1 – Team composition 1.Appointment of Flemish coordinators, project leaders –Open call : 16 December 2015 –Deadline : 4 February 2016 –Overview candidates => south universities: at the latest by 08/02 –Advice & feedback (ranked) requested by: 15/02: AM Take into account, if possible, collaboration with different Flemish universities –Decision by the Bureau UOS : 26 February Local teams confirmed / programme manager to be appointed –Local teams: any changes, confirmation in view of formulation –Programme Manager to be confirmed / appointed: as of Mid-March workload
Step 1 – Team composition – orientation sessions North 1.Briefing of Coordinating teams North : 1st week of March 2016 coordinators and ICOS Discussion on contract pre-partner proramme => step 2 2.Training sessions: 2 nd /3rd week of March 2016 M&E / formulation basics 3.First contacts between teams S / N
Step 2 – Elaborating a pre-partner programme
Step 2 – Pre-partner contract and programme 1.Agreement on pre-partner programme –South: draft version pre-partner programme by end of February 2016 –Contracting (administrative): 1st week of March 2016 –Standard activities start in March: preparing formulation mission –Refinement during&after formulation mission –Set-up of a management structure needs to take a start: Programme Manager Procedures programme support unit
Step 2 – Pre-partner contract and programme (2) 2. The Year “0” – objectives and expected results Objective: all relevant partner programme stakeholders are in a position to embark on the implementation of an agreed upon partner programme Expected results – outputs Successful formulation phase (preparation/mission) : end of April 2016 A feasible partner programme document has been submitted: 6 May 2016 balanced and capable project teams drawing on motivated experts have been composed and duly informed appropriate management systems and procedures developed and tested by the end of 2016 –Programme Support Unit embedded in local university) –management manual as anex of PP proposal
IUC Programme / project level IUC PROGRAMME PROJECTS PROJECT LEVEL Project leaders Team Members COORDINATORS ( FL, Local) + MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE PROGRAMME LEVEL Programme Support Unit lead locally by Programme Manager ICOS supports Flemish coordinator and coordinates operational structure North
Financial framework of the IUC Pré-PP Preparatory year (AP ) of 10 months –official start 1 March 2016 –Contracts to be signed: 1st half of March (electronic/scanned signatures) –Funds available : a.s.a.p. after contract signing –South: payment of personnel PSU: programme manager, other support staff only in PPP afterwards from E2 –North: coordination compensation dept. Flemish coordinator to be included AP 2015: budgets for formulation need to be spent before end of April 2016 (exceptional extension until end of April) AP 2016: budgets need to be spent between 1 May and end of December 2016
BUDGETLINESAP 2015AP 2016 A - E E.1. Coordination costs for Flemish institution (5 % lump sum on total budget A-E) E.2. Coordination costs for local partner institution(s) (5 % lump sum on total budget A-E) TOTAL BUDGET Financial framework of the IUC pre-partner programme
BUDGETLINESAP 2015AP 2016 A - E E.1. Coordination costs for Flemish institution (5 % lump sum on total budget A-E) E.2. Coordination costs for local partner institution(s) (5 % lump sum on total budget A-E) TOTAL BUDGET Financial framework of the NETWORK pre-partner programme
14 Preparatory year is a learning process Flemish coordinators and local coordinators encouraged to visit other institutions and exchange experience and systems Manage the expectations Prepare good communication guidelines, crucial for success Prepare the PSU staff and integrate them in university management –Identify and train a programme manager and support staff (accountant, secretary,..) for the programme –Assure a good link with financial dept. –Need for clear link and support from the rector’s office –Link with IT and donor funded projects VLIR-UOS and the ICOS from the coordinating Flemish universities will assist during the formulation process and year « o » in order to prepare for a solid programme structure
Step 3 – preparing and organising The formulation mission
16 Step 3 - Formulation mission Flemish teams (coordinators and project leaders) travel to the partner institution One week Programme with different workshop settings –Setting out the framework –Introducing M&E, formats and management cycle –Project level workshops with external stakeholders –Project formulation and budget allocation –Sharing of management systems and policy framework Expected results –Flemish PL have a better view on local situation –Team-building –Work on partner programme proposals (project/programme level) Prepared by the South, but first collective moment South-North
Important elements for consideration Partner Programme concept notes are proposals from the South and as such indicative or pre-match –Basis for formulation –there is room for change and improvement within the strategic boundaries (institutional, country strategic) –Flemish teams and formulation mission with project level workshops will bring new input Aim for and build upon a win-win concept! Be receptive but dare to be critical and assist in shaping ideas jointly There is a programme behind the project: strive for synergy between the various projects
Pre-partner programme (« YEAR 0 ») content – topics for discusion round Preparatory activities pre-formulation workshops (with different partner universities in case of NETWORK) PCM-training (EU model linked to programme theory VLIR- UOS) and stakeholder involvement? Preparing the formulation mission: urgent!!!! Ideas for dates?? Installation of a Programme Support Unit PPP can normally start as of Flemish teams are in place Specific Needs: physical location PSU defined? In the case of IUC: vehicle available for programme? Possible local base line studies ICT/library / proceddures/finances
Timeline IUC / Networks – formulation phase ActionActorDate Open call for Flemish interest on the basis of South concept notes VLIR-UOS16 December 2015 Orientation and matchmaking eventVLIR-UOS and Flemish universities/university colleges 25– 29 January 2016 Submission candidacy for Flemish mandates (Coordinator and project leader) VLIR-UOS4 February 2016 Submission of advice by the local universities regarding the proposed Flemish candidates VLIR-UOS and local universities2 nd week of February 2016 Appointment of Flemish Coordinator and project leaders Bureau UOSLast week of February 2016 Administrative session with Flemish coordinators and ICOS / preparing pre-partner programme VLIR-UOS1 st half of March 2016 Start pre-partner programme (standard format )VLIR-UOS + Fl. University /local university 1st half of March 2016 Orientation session North for Project LeadersVLIR-UOS2nd half of March 2016 Formulation missionsLocal universities and Flemish delegation April 2016 (at the earliest Easter holidays) Submission of partner programme proposalsLocal universities and Flemish delegation 6 May 2016 Selection adviceSelection commission and Bureau UOS 2 nd half of May 2016 Funding decision (inclusion in multiannual framework/ country programmes) VLIR-UOSJune 2016 Start of programme implementationProgramme stakeholders1 January 2017