Dreams By: Leah Lozada & Halie Matuke
What is a Dream? We all have dreams, not everyone thinks they do, but the reality is that they don’t remember. I have often wondered what a dream is. The definition of a dream is a series of thought, images, & sensations occurring in a person mind while they sleep. Most of the time they represent what is lying in your subconscious.
Why Do We Dream? According to the contemporary theory of dreaming, it’s the shift of activation pattern’s. We dream because we have a certain amount of brain activity and we block external stimulants. Dreams are activated in the inferior occipital lobe and in the right putamen of the brain.
The Stages of Dreaming:
How & Why do some people remember dreams? While awake, people with a high recall of dreams, have a slow decrease in the alpha wave while waking. Outside stimuli can help increase the possibility of remembering dreams because the alpha wave jumps to a higher rate. High re-callers awake more frequently in the night.
Why Do we have repetitive dreams? Most repetitive dreams are triggered by life situations, even if the dream is not reoccurring everyday, there will be little or no change in the dream. Some of the material in your dream may not make sense to you, but could be part of what is laying in your subconsious
"Dream Moods: Recurring Dreams." Dream Moods: Recurring Dreams. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May Gholipour, By Bahar. "Why Some Remember Dreams, Others Don't."LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 13 Aug Web. 14 May agg "Why Do We Dream?" Scientific American Global RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May "What Do Dreams Do for Us?" Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Ilana Simons, 11 Nov Web. 12 May 2014 "Dreams: FAQ." Dreams: FAQ. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May "Why does the brain remember dreams?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 22 May Obringer, Lee. "How Dreams Work." HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks.com, 27 Jan Web. 22 May "» Stages of Sleep - Psych Central." Psych Central.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May