Writing Reports Memo-reports Letter-reports Short-reports Long-reports
Report defined A business report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information that serves some business purpose.
Reports May present just facts May include interpretations of the facts Or, may proceed with conclusions and recommendations
Writing good report, a great skill Needs critical thinking skills Knows how to gather relevant information Knows how to condense, sample and interpret the data Has idea about the visual aspect of the report
Report-writing Process Determine the report-purpose *Identify the problem * gather all the information to understand the problem * Determining the factors of the problem
Working with your Mind Once problem identified, you should turn to the mental task of determining the problem’s needs. Within the framework of your logical imagination, you should look for the factors of the problem—that is, for the subject areas you must investigate to satisfy the overall objectives.
Within Mind Determine the sub-factors of the problem Develop hypothesis ( solution to the problem) Decide the bases of comparison
Work begins Research/ gathering information Prepare the outline Decide the table of contents and headings of the report
Patterns of report organization Three-kinds Logical Sequence ( Indirect, inductive) --introduction --facts --summary --conclusions/recommendation
The direct order Recommendations Conclusions Introduction facts
Structure for exam o Introduction. Background. Problem/purpose.scope/ limitation o Discussion. Process of division and subtopics o Summary/ conclusion o Recommendation
Organization of report[Parts] 1. Prefatory parts Title fly Title page Letter of authorization Letter of transmittal/preface/ foreword Table of content Executive summary
Part II Report Proper Introduction Report findings Summary, recommendation
Part III Appended parts Bibliography Appendix Index