Phrasal verb make
make + after [make after someone or something] chase someone or something
make + away + with [make away with something] steal something and take it away with you [make away with someone] kill someone
make + for [make for a place] move towards a place, usually rather hurriedly [=head for] [something makes for a particular situation] a particular situation is likely to result from something [=produce]
make + into [make one thing into something else] change one thing in some way so that it becomes another thing [=turn into] [someone or something makes you into a particular type of person] someone or something influence or affect you so that you become a particular type of person
make + of [ask a person what they make of someone or something] want to know what a person’s impression, understanding, or opinion of another person or thing is
make + off leave somewhere as quickly as possible, often in order to escape
make + off + with [make off with something] steal something and take it away with you
make + out [make something out] manage to see or hear something [make out something that is difficult to understand] manage to understand something [=work out] [make out that something is the case] try to cause people to believe something [=imply] [make someone out to be something] give the impression that they are that sort of person [make out a case for something] try to establish or prove that something is the best thing to do [make out to do something] pretend to do something [make out a form or cheque] write on a form or cheque all the necessary information [=write out] manage to survive or live reasonably well [=cope]
make + over [make something over] legally transfer the ownership of something from one person to another
make + up something form another thing [= comprise] [make up something such a story] invent something such as a story, sometimes in order to deceive people [make up your mind] decide which of a number of possible things you will have or will do [make up an amount] add something to an amount so that it is as large as it should be [make up time or hours] work some extra hours because you have previously taken some time off work [make something up] prepare something so that it is ready for someone to use or have [make up a bed] put sheets and blankets on a bed so that someone can sleep there [make yourself up] put substances such as lipstick, powder, and eye- shadow on your face [=cosmetics] [make it up to someone] do something to repay a favour they have done for you, or to show that you are sorry for disappointing them in some way
make + up + for replace something that is damaged, lost or missing or compensate for it
make + up + to [make up to someone] try to get someone to like you by being friendly towards them, usually because you want them to give you something
make + with [American] [tell someone to make with something] want someone to do what is necessary or appropriate at the time