Women’s sector progress report and plans Implementing the NSP Inter Parliamentary Union 22 January 2009 Nomfundo Eland
Sector’s objectives Consolidate the Women’s Sector by expanding and improving coordination within Popularize the NSP & ensure activities are carried out (where we are a lead sector) Ensure that women’s/gender issues are appropriately emphasized in the work of SANAC sectors
What we are still faced with Rise in GBV fuels HIV feminised epidemic Maternal deaths Prevention methods that does not improve status of women (non-availability of female condoms) Service accessibility for rural women. No link between National, provincial and local structures in understanding the NSP.
Women’s summit delegates convened nationally to engage on the NSP and re-organization of SANAC Consensus reached on the conspicuous absence of: – Women’s voices in previous government responses to HIV/AIDS – Sexual and reproductive health issues in NSP Summit culminated in: – Election of 3 representatives to SANAC: – Support for the (amended) NSP – 30 volunteers for participation in and across revised SANAC coordinating committees and structures – A declaration of commitment
Key Imperatives of a Secretariat To be a nerve centre that promotes, advances and roots women’s participation through: – Networking – Mobilization – Communication – Advocacy – Research
Summit 2008 Election of new leadership Restructure the way we operate (expect groups) Sex Workers, GBV, Plan of action drafted based on priority issues in the NSP Liasing with other sector on common issues to be undertaken. Undertake to update website
SANAC WSS Progress A comprehensive plan of action, mapping out the work of the Secretariat was developed in September Since the development of this implementation plan, the SANAC Women’s Sector has: Established a functioning Secretariat; Developed a comprehensive implementation plan, with five main objectives as a framework for SANAC WSS work; Explored the development and conceptualisation of a database of women’s organisations and individuals that will appropriately map and store information on the women’s sector across the country (primary development to be completed at end March 2008);
Progress continue Explored the development of a website that outlines the work of the Secretariat with a focus on ensuring that the site is as widely accessible to as many women as possible (to be completed by April 2008); Newsletter for communities that can’t access technology Mobilised funding to conceptualise and implement initial activities; and Participated on existing SANAC structures to ensure Women’s participation at a range of levels
Work done thus far MC and impact on women GBV and criminal justice system review PMTCT social mobilisation Prevention and female condom access (in preparation for discussions on Prevention strategies) Resource mobilisation Effective participation in SANAC plenary WAD messaging and angle Sexual Offences Act (Decriminalisation of sex work workshop) Support sector members in presenting what the NSP is and how SANAC functions and how the NSP could be taken forward
Work planned Prevention for women workshop (Access to femidoms; research update) Priority issues ( Stigma, Alcohol and Drug, Maternal and Child mortality – death of young women of child bearing age, nutrition, GBV and access to health services, HPV and Cervical cancer) Focus on reduction of Maternal deaths (PMTCT Social mobilisation) Provincial consultations on MC NSP workshops Assessment of sector member contribution towards implementation of NSP