First Permanent English Settlement First Colonial Assembly, 1619: Get together to discuss government and settle disputes among themselves 2dw74
Pilgrims called Separatists-separate from the Church of England Pilgrims formed a government under the Mayflower Compact Agreement to follow laws and the basis of the government C0Lpk
Most of the colonies were Royal Colonies/Charters- under the control of the British Monarchy Essentially England was the “absent parent”, leaving the Colonies to rule themselves.
King Appoints a governor. Example William Penn King Appoints members of the Upper House of local legislatures White, wealthy, educated men who are loyal to the crown. Lower House is elected by the colonists but Governor has power to veto any of their laws. Veto-to reject a law Example: Virginia House of Burgesses NrwFM
During a Town Meeting some citizens can vote White, rich, educated men No women, servants or slaves Importance-gave colonists a sample of governing their colony and not having a king to bother them Town Hall Meetings still happen today