Section One, Where are states located?
French- Incorporated French culture. Educate on administrative leadership. Even after Independence, colonies leaders remained close with France.
British- Different governments on territories of empire. This approach helped preserve, cultures, local customs, and education systems.
Asian and African- Most colonies became independent after World War II. Only 15 states were part of the UN, in Compared to the 106 in The new states used old boundaries from the colonies.
Only few colonies still remain, most are in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Island in the Pacific Island in the Caribbean
Puerto Rico- 4 million residents. Citizens of USA. Others- 100, ,000 residents: French Polynesia, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Netherlands Antilles, Channel Islands, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Pitcairn Island, in the South Pacific, is the least populated with 54 people on the island. The only economy is selling fish and postage stamps.