Australian Animals By Luis A Ramirez
The Australian Platypus The platypus is only native to Australia. On the tips of its webbed feet it has small poison barbs that can kill up to a small dog (not known to kill humans). This creature is a mixture of a duck, a ferret and, a beaver (not Justin Bieber Bib).
Kangaroo The kangaroo is the biggest marsupial known. When the female kangaroo has babies it carries it around in it’s pouch for most of it’s babyhood. Male kangaroo’s travel in a separate pack then the female’s. Male kangaroo’s also box for mates. Also only native to Aussie.
Koala’s The koala is only native to Australia. It also only eats eucalypts leaves. They are also marsupial. The female kangaroo carries her babies in a pouch attached to her stomach(no Bib you do not have a pouch on your stomach to carry babies). The females ears are bushier than the males.
Emu The emu is the third largest bird in the world (no bib you can’t have one as a pet). They are sometimes mistaken for the cous the ostrich. They are known to fight off dingoes.
Ligers Sadly there are no ligers in Australia.
THE END Made in cooperation with Liger Incorporated