Microscopic Stroboscopic Interferometer System (MSIS) Measurements David Garmire
System Overview (copied from msis page)
Details (copied from msis page) Periodic or repeated transient processes can be studied at frequencies as high as 1MHz. A pulsed-laser diode with a wavelength =688nm is used as a strobed light source to “freeze” the motion of a periodic moving microstructure. A half-wave-plate, placed after the microscope objective, rotates the polarized beam, which then enters a polarization-beam splitter that parcels it into two perpendicular directions and also polarizes the beams perpendicularly.
Shamelessly Copied Slides (Rembe)
Input / Output process (current) Need to be able to reproduce measurements. Experimenter runs parameter client and video client from their machine. –Parameter client communicates experiment parameters to the server. (Saved in XML format). –Video client views streaming media from the CCD. –When ready, click ok, takes 5 strobe phase positions for 16 phases of the waveform. (Saved in RAW format). Images are analyzed by SMISMatlab and outputted in a 2d array of heights (doubles I think), which Matlab can use to produce a plot (more scripts for 3d plotting).
Standardizing Parameter and Data Format XML –Like HTML only more general. –Tree hierarchy of tags. –Each tag has parameters … –Pros: Well-defined and has lots of supporting libraries. Easily extendable. –Cons: Maybe not the fastest at being parsed. Maybe not the most compressed.
Possible Ideas The server, memsview, can process the images from the CCD directly (possibly running parallel code on millennium) ( run Hariharan’s algorithm, and possibly in-plane rotation ). Possibly, the MEMS design can be sent to the server as well (in some sort of CAD format maybe). The height array can be correlated to various distortions of the original design. This would reduce the storage of data, and improve automation with the rest of SUGAR. (Problem – not very general.)