IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS Concerns in pH # 1: Heat Effect on the Slope CONTROLS
IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS PROBLEM At 25ºC the slope of a 100% efficient probe is mV per pH unit with 0 mV starting at pH 7. As the temperature changes, so does the mV per pH unit as seen on the graph on the next slide. Therefore if the temperature is not compensated false pH measurements will result.
IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS Temperature vs mV/pH Unit
IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS Temperature Effect As seen on the graph, temperature has no effect at pH 7. The further from pH 7 the process is, the larger the effect temperature will have. The millivolt output increases mV per degree Celcius.
IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS Example: At 60°C mV/pH unit is (60°C - 25°C) x mV mV at 25°C = mV/pH Unit If pH is 4, sensor should output (7 - 4) pH Units x mV/pH Unit = mV If the analyzer is compensating at 25°C the mV/pH unit is and pH would be calculated by the analyzer as: mV ÷ mV/pH Unit = 3.35 pH units The analyzer will read = 3.65 or a 0.35 pH unit difference from the true value at 60°C. Temperature Effect
IC Controls Quality Water Solutions for pH pH / ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Chlorine Standards R1.0 © 2004 IC CONTROLS Slope Changes with Temperature The Further from pH 7 the Greater the pH Effect Temperature Compensation is Critical to accurate pH Measurement Proven Technology Superior Design Better Results Temperature Effect