Hydrogroup Meeting Mohid Land & Mohid Drainage Network Frank Braunschweig Rosa Trancoso Pedro Galvão Pedro Chambel Ramiro Neves Etc.


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Presentation transcript:

Hydrogroup Meeting Mohid Land & Mohid Drainage Network Frank Braunschweig Rosa Trancoso Pedro Galvão Pedro Chambel Ramiro Neves Etc.

Presentation Overview Introduction –Mohid Framework –Mohid Land vs. Mohid Drainage Network –Pardiela (Degebe) Catchment Characteristics Mohid Drainage Network –Channel Flow Results –Heat Fluxes –Coliform Decay –Channel Bed Water Exchange –Pool Implementation –Cascade Incorporation –SWAT Coupling –Cohesive Sediment Transport –Coupling Water Quality Modules Mohid Land –Spatial Rainfall Interpolation Future Tasks

Introduction MOHID Water Modeling System - Numerics Mohid Base 1 Process, IO and Function modules Executable Library Convert To XYZ Convert To HDF 5 Mohid Base 2 Grid and Atmosphere modules River Network Basin Delineator Digital Terrain Creator MOHID Water Mohid Base 3 Soil modules MOHID Soil MOHID Land Global Data, Water Quality, Sediment Quality, EnterData, HDF, Functions, Time, LUD, Triangulation, Time Series,... Horizontal Grid, Vertical Grid, Atmosphere, Advection Diffusion,... Soil, Soil Properties,... Hydrodynamic, Waterproperties, … Runoff, Basin, … Macrospore, Soil, … Module

Introduction Mohid Land vs. Mohid Drainage Network 2D Overland flow Precipitation Variable in Time & Space 3D Porous Media 1D Drainage network Mohid Land – Integrated Model composed by a set of modules (Overland flow, Drainage Network, Atmosphere, Porous Media, etc.) Mohid Drainage Network – Standalone program which simulates in-stream processes. Data not provided simulated by the model must be supplied as boundary condition (e.g. overland flow discharge)

Introduction Catchment Caracteristics Source: NASA & Mohid GIS Source: Textural Map & Saxon 1986 Source: Land Use & Ponce, 1989, p. 139

Introduction Catchment Caracteristics Bottom Width~1.0m Top Width~4.0m Height~1.0m Bottom Width~11.0m Top Width~22.0m Height~5.0m Bottom Width~5.5m Top Width~12.0m Height~3.4m Minimum water depth for flow: 0.001m

Introduction Catchment Caracteristics Conductivity~7.10e-06m/s Theta Saturated0.3645m3/m3 Theta Residual0.0644m3/m3 Conductivity~1.85e-06m/s Theta Saturated0.4221m3/m3 Theta Residual0.0908m3/m3 Initial Water content = Field capacity 8 Vertical Layers

MOHID Drainage Network Channel Flow Results Delivery Model MOHID Land: –Run 06 – Manning Channels = 0.03, Rain Constant in Space –Run 08 – Manning Channels = 0.03, Rain Variable in Space –Run 10 – Manning Channels = 0.06, Rain Variable in Space

MOHID Drainage Network Channel Flow Results First Event recorded by probe Second Event recorded by probe Run 06 – Manning Channels = 0.03, Rain Constant in Space Run 08 – Manning Channels = 0.03, Rain Variable in Space Run 10 – Manning Channels = 0.06, Rain Variable in Space

Results – Total Mass EVTP FlowRain Infiltration

Results – GW Level

MOHID Fill Matrix Rain Interpolation Delaunay triangulation Produces HDF Files with a Matrix of Rainfall (or any other property) with a user defined frequency (e.g. 1 hour) during a user defined period (e.g ) Inverse Weight Distance

MOHID Land Rain Interpolation Overland Flow Channel Flow Relative Water Content in the upper soil layer Rain Stations

MOHID Drainage Network Heat Fluxes Solar Radiation (Date, Hour of Day, Cloud Cover, Riparian Shading) Sensible Heat (Wind, Water & Air Temperature) Long wave Radiation (Cloud Cover, Water & Air Temperature) Latent Heat (Water & Air Temperature, Wind Speed, Relative Humidity) Sediment Exchange (Water & Sediment Temperature) Input Variables: Air Temperature Wind Speed Relative Humidity Cloud Cover Riparian Shading Equations From Water Temperature Modeling Review Central Valley September 2000 Michael L. Deas Cindy L. Lowney

MOHID Drainage Network Heat Fluxes Input Variables: Air Temperature –Hourly Data Wind Speed – Hourly Data Relative Humidity – Daily Data Cloud Cover – Monthly Invented Data Riparian Shading – Constant Coefficient of 70%

MOHID Drainage Network Coliform Bacteria Solar Radiation (Date, Cloud Cover, Riparian Shading) Input Variables: T90 Method T90 Computation Methods Constant Canteras Chapra Coliform Decay (Water Temperature, Salinity & Radiation)

MOHID Drainage Network Coliform Bacteria Discharges = 0.25m3/s Initial Concentration = 1.e7 u/100ml

MOHID Land Channel Bed Water Exchange Channel – Water Table Exchange Overland Flow - Channel Channel - Overland Flow (Floods) Calculation based on the hydraulic head gradient

MOHID Land Channel Bed Water Exchange

MOHID Drainage Network Pool Implementation Top Width Bottom Width Channel Height Water Depth Pool Depth Node Volume =+ Area Vertical =

MOHID Drainage Network Pool Implementation Conclusion: With Pools water level rises later but quicker at the outlet Discharges = 0.10m3/s Pools (Initially empty)

MOHID Drainage Network Pool Implementation <30min. Sediment Concentration

MOHID Drainage Network Cohesive Sediment Transport - Equations DepositionErosion  dep * – Critical Deposition shear stress C – Suspended concentration [kg m-3] Ws – Settling velocity [m s-1] HS – Hindered settling  ero * – Critical Erosion shear stress E – Erosion constant [5e-4 kg m-2 s-1]

MOHID Drainage Network Cohesive Sediment Transport - Test Daily precipitation No suspended sediment

Coupled Module Water Quality Water Quality (WASP) MOHID Drainage Network Coupling Water Quality Modules 1. WASP NºVariableUnit 1PhytoplanktonmgC.L -1 2MacroalgaekgC.m -2 3ZooplanktonmgC.L -1 4AmmoniummgN.L -1 5NitritemgN.L -1 6NitratemgN.L -1 7Particulate organic nitrogen (PON)mgN.L -1 8Refractory dissolved nitrogen organic (DONre)mgN.L -1 9Non-refractory dissolved nitrogen organic (DONnr)mgN.L -1 10Inorganic phosphorus (PO 4 3- )mgP.L -1 11Particulate organic phosphorus (POP)mgP.L -1 12Refractory dissolved phosphorus (DOPre)mgP.L -1 13Non-refractory dissolved phosphorus (DOPnr)mgP.L -1 14Oxygen concentrationmgO 2.L -1 15Total Suspended Sediments (TSS)ng/L 16Microbiological Parameters/100mL 17Generic Constituent NºVariableUnit 1Algae (separated by species)gC/m3 2Epiphyton (separated by species)gC/m3 3Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter (DOMre)gC/m3 4Labile Dissolved Organic Matter (DOMnr)gC/m3 5Refractory Particulate Organic Matter (POMre)gC/m3 6Labile Particulate Organic Matter (POMnr)gC/m3 7Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC)gC/m3 8Total Organic Carbon (TOC)gC/m3 9Dissolved OxygengO2/m3 10CBODgO2/m3 11PhosphategPO3/m3 12AmmoniumgNH4/m3 13Nitrite-NitrategN/m3 14Dissolved SilicagSi/m3 15Particulate SilicagSi/m3 16Total IrongFe/m3 17Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)kg/m3 18Total Suspended Solids (TSS)g/m3 19Inorganic Suspended Solids (ISS)g/m3 20Microbiological Parameters/100mL 21Generic Constituent Ce-Qual-W2 Each River Reach is a control Volume In each Time Step Concentration are passed to the Water Quality Model Based on Concentration and Rates these modules calculate new Concentrations Water Quality Modules pass back new concentrations to River Reaches

MOHID Land Coupling Water Quality Modules 1. WASP Results so far don’t make sense Wrong boundary conditions (Constant concentration from Overland / Groundwater) Maybe wrong parameterization

MOHID Drainage Network Cascade Integration - Equations Continuity downstream time t t+1 ? Momentum Kinematic Wave:

MOHID Drainage Network Cascade Integration - Algorithm Volume Depth, Area Flow New Volume Error = Vol – New Vol Error > Tolerance ? Yes Conservative method!

MOHID Drainage Network Cascade Integration - Results Equal! Min DT = 10s Not Equal: Higher DT gives higher peak Min DT = 12.5s Equal! Min DT = 13.63s Conclusion: Cascade gives more correct results for higher DTs MOHID Test for stability:

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 1 SWAT code changed to produce a discharge file for each subbasin outlet Outlet of Sub-Basin 11 Outlet of Sub-Basin 1

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 2 Import to MOHID GIS ArcView File with the location of the outlets of the sub-basin

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 3 Produce a Discharge Input file for Mohid Drainage Network

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 4 Run MOHID Drainage Network with discharges from SWAT

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 4 Comparison SWAT (Integrated Model) vs. MOHID Drainage Network (using SWAT as delivery model)

MOHID Drainage Network SWAT Coupling – Task 4 Comparison Mohid Land (Integrated Model) vs. MOHID Drainage Network (using SWAT as delivery model)

MOHID Porous Media Features 3D non saturated flow 2D aquifer Two new vertical coordinates –Sigma Top –Cartesian Top Dynamic Interface between 2D and 3D zone Will be presented by Pedro Galvão…

Mohid Land Future Tasks WaterProgram and Test Atmospheric Fluxes (Infrared Radiation)Frank 3 days Improve Advection Diffusion Luis / Frank? Program CE_QUAL-W2 Pina 1 week Test MOHID Water / CE-QUAL-W2 Sandra / Pina2 month? Land Couple WQ and Ce-QUAL-W2 to Drainage NetworkRosa / Frankless then 1 week Setup versions of Drainage Net for all TempQsim CatchmentsPedro Chambel2 weeks Couple SWAT and Drainage Net Pedro Chambelless then 1 week Setup SWAT / Drainage Net for Pardiela Pedro Chambel2 days Describe SWAT Land Quality vs. Module TFC Pedro GalvaoPedro Chambel / Pedro Galvao Write Paper for EGU 2005 Pedro Galvao1 week Setup MOHID Land Pardiela Frank ? Setup MOHID Land Vallcebre Frank ? Setup MOHID Land Trancão Rosa ? Setup MOHID Land Montargil Pedro Galvão? Setup MOHID Land MaranhãoFrank1 week Program Evapotranspiration Real / PotencialPedro Galvãoless then 1 week Program Transport of Properties in Module Porous MediaPedro Galvão3 weeks Program Transport of Properties in Module RunoffFrank? 1 week Erosion Deposition in module Drainage NetworkRosa 1 week Program Four Point Implicit no Drainage NetworkqFrank / Rosaless then 1 week Root Depth Pedro Galvaoless then 1 week Canopy Storage / Snow Frank less then 1 week Rainfall Variable in Time / Space Frank To DoIn ProgressDone