Our Kentucky Settlements December 2010 / January 2011
Our Kentucky Settlements Early settlers, like Daniel Boone and James Harrod, crossed the Cumberland Gap to help settle Kentucky. They settled in forts named Boonesborough and Harrodsburg respectively.
We used all of the new information we learned to create a settlement in which American’s would want to settle in the 1700’s. This is what we made!! After studying these settlers and their difficult journeys, we created settlements of our own.
Designing Our Kentucky Settlements
Heaven and Peace, Kentucky Created By: Alex and James Neal
Heaven and peace, Kentucky
Wildcat Friends, Kentucky Created By: Ashley and Katie M.
Wildcat Friends, Kentucky
Peace, Kentucky Created By: Hannah, Dameian, and Nolan
Peace, Kentucky
Mealseaville, Kentucky Created By: Chelsea and Mike
Mealseaville, Kentucky
Created By: Dani and Danielle Tennianasburg, Kentucky
Jevanville, Kentucky Created By: Evan and Jacob
Jevanville, Kentucky
Funtown, Kentucky Created By: Jasmine and Gabby
Funtown, Kentucky
Petsville, Kentucky Created By: Gwen and Rylee
Petsville, Kentucky
Jkmcburg, Kentucky Created By: Kyle and Jake
Jkmcburg, Kentucky
Created By: Logan and Joshua Presidents Bowling Town, Kentucky
President’s Bowling Town, Kentucky
Created By: Katie U. and Meg Friendsville, Kentucky
Fort Sham, Kentucky Created By: Shawn and Sam
Fort Sham, Kentucky
Created By: Kyle and Jake JKMCburg, Kentucky
Nikmansburg, Kentucky Created By: Merideth and Emily
Nikmansburg, Kentucky
After presenting each settlement, the students voted on which settlement they thought their family had the best chance of surviving in. The winners are… In Third Place…. Heaven and Peace Created by: James and Alex In Second Place…. Niksmansburg Created by: Emily and Merideth In First Place…. Petsville Created by: Rylee and Gwen CONGRATULATIONS!!