Parents of the small islands PNG Vanuatu Solomons Samoa Fiji SPC – (observers)
Practical D – Items & Questions for FS Module in Census/Surveys Indicators 1. Availability - Proportion of arable land to total (Census/Agr) -Per Capita arable land (Census/Agr) - Proportion of Expd. On Local / Imports(HIES) -Fish Stock (Fisheries Agencies)
2. Access -Income Distribution (Gini Coefficient) - GDP per capita (Contribution of Agr/Fish/For) - Transportation – (Markets, HIES/DHS) - Consumption of Own Production (HIES) - Proportion of Labour Force in Agr/Fisheries (Census/Survey) 3. Stability - Food CPI (NSO) -Natural Disaster ( NDC, Frequency,Costs) -Political Instability (Costs- Labour) - NSO -Environment (Sea Level Rise, Loss Arable)
4. Utilization - Health Measures(BMI, NCD Rate,Malnutrtion) -