DO NOW V: 0 Monday 11/30 You are in a car with your parent driving to school. Your parent is driving quickly because you are late. Your parent is not paying attention and has to slam on the brakes because the light turned red. 1. If you are not wearing a seat belt, what happens to you? 2. If you are wearing a seat belt, what happens?
TEKS 8.(6)(C) investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic activities, and rocket launches.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does inertia play a role in our daily life? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion, the law of inertia.
Agenda Today’s Agenda -Law of Inertia Stations -Newton’s Law Reading and Foldable -Conclusion Questions -Exit Ticket HomeworkGrade Level – Newton’s Law of Motion Pre-AP – Newton’s Law of Motion FORCE AND MOTION UNIT TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY
Law of Inertia Lab V: 0 Copy the following on page 61 of your notebook. 61 Newton’s Law of Inertia Washers Drawing: Description: Seatbelt Safety Drawing: Description: Inertia Hats Drawing: Description: Card-Cup-Coin Drawing: Description:
Law of Inertia Lab V: 0 Go to each station and complete the task by following the instructions on the handout.
Newton’s Laws Reading V: 0 1.Complete the reading “Newton’s First Law of Motion- Law of Inertia” 2.Share with your shoulder partner 3 important points of the reading.
Newton’s Laws Foldable V: 0 1.Follow your teacher’s instructions to make a foldable in your notebook. 2.Write Newton’s first law in the foldable. 3.Draw an example of the first law.
Law of Inertia Lab V: 0 Copy and answer the following on page 60 of your notebook. 60 Newton’s Law of Inertia Conclusion Questions 1.Does inertia exist when an object is not moving? Why or why not? 2.Does inertia exist when an object is in motion? Why or why not? 3.What happens when an opposite force acts on an object?
Exit Ticket V: 0 Name The inertia hats are an example of inertia because….
DO NOW V: 0 Tuesday 12/01Using the word “inertia,” describe the pictures below.
TEKS 8.(6)(C) investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic activities, and rocket launches.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do unbalanced forces affect the motion of an object? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe Newton’s 3 rd Law of Motion, the law of action-reaction.
Agenda Today’s Agenda -Balloon Rockets -Rollie Chair Demo -Law of Action-Reaction Reading and Foldable -Picture Examples HomeworkGrade Level – Newton’s Law of Motion Pre-AP – Newton’s Law of Motion FORCE AND MOTION UNIT TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY
Law of Action-Reaction Lab V: 0 Create the following table of page 63 of your INB. ObservationsDrawing Balloon Rocket Rollie Chairs Newton’s Law of Action-Reaction 63
Balloon Rockets V: 2 1.Two students will hold the string. 2.One students inflates the balloon. Don’t tie it. 3.One student puts the straw on the string and then tapes the balloon to the straw. 4.Release the balloon. 5.Repeat 2 times, then record and draw your observations
Rollie Chairs Demo V: 2 Students will observe what happens when people of different mass push each other on rollie chairs.
Newton’s Laws Reading V: 0 1.Complete the reading “Newton’s Third Law of Motion” 2.Share with your shoulder partner 3 important points of the reading.
Newton’s Laws Foldable V: 0 1.Add Newton’s third law to the foldable. 2.Draw an example of the third law.
Newton’s Laws Identified V: 0 On your index card, identify each for the following picture. 1.An example of inertia 2.An example of an action-reaction 3.An example of either a balanced force or an unbalanced force.
Picture #1 V: 0
Picture #2 V: 0
Picture #3 V: 0
DO NOW V: 0 Wed/ThrsDescribe 3 examples of action-reaction that you have seen this week in your life. Example: My son hit a baseball with a bat. The swing is the action, the ball moving is the reaction.
TEKS 8.(6)(C) investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic activities, and rocket launches.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do we calculate and communicate the change in position, direction, and speed for moving objects? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Investigate and describe Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the law of force and acceleration.
Agenda Today’s Agenda 1.Mass and Force Lab 2.Mass and Acceleration Lab 3.Force and Acceleration Lab 4.Video, Reading, and Foldable 5.2 nd Law Practice 6.Exit Ticket HomeworkGrade Level – Newton’s Laws Pre-AP – Newton’s Laws FORCE AND MOTION UNIT TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY
Law of Action-Reaction Lab V: 0 Create the following table of page 65 of your INB. BBGolf Ball Small Force Large Force Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion- Law of Acceleration 65
Force and Acceleration Lab V: 2 BB vs. Golf Ball 1.Flick the BB across a table. 2.Flick a golf ball with the same amount of force. 3.Record observations in the data table. 4.With a greater amount of force, flick the BB and golf ball. 5.Record observations in the data table.
Law of Action-Reaction Lab V: 0 Add the following table of page 65 of your INB. Object Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Ping Pong Golf Ball
Force and Acceleration Lab V: 2 Ping Pong Ball vs. Golf Ball 1.Using a book and a ruler, students will create an inclined plane. 2.At the end of the ruler, the students will place a cup upside down with the cut out side facing the ruler. Book Ruler
Force and Acceleration Lab V: 2 Ping Pong Ball vs. Golf Ball 1.Release the ping pong ball 3 times and record the distance the cup moves. 2.Students will repeat the steps with the golf ball. 3.Record the data in the data table.
Law of Action-Reaction Lab V: 0 Create the following table of page 64 of your INB. Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion- Law of Acceleration 64 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Strong Force Weak Force
Force and Acceleration Lab V: 2 Toy Car 1. Place a toy car in between 2 rulers. 2. Using a popsicle stick, apply a weak force to the car. 3. Record the distance it travels. Repeat 3 times. 4. Using a popsicle stick, apply a strong force to the car. record the distance it travels. 5. Record the distance it travels. Repeat this 3 times. Ruler
Force and Acceleration Lab V: 2 Ping Pong Ball vs. Golf Ball 1.Release the ping pong ball 3 times and record the distance the cup moves. 2.Students will repeat the steps with the golf ball. 3.Record the data in the data table.
Newton’s Laws Foldable V: 0 1. Watch Newton’s 2 nd Law Video 2. Read pages from the textbook. 3. Complete problems Add the formula, definition, and a picture with a description to the foldable for the 2 nd law.
Newton’s 2 nd Law Practice V: 1 Practice using Newton’s 2 nd Law.
Teacher Demo- Exit Ticket V: 0 Teacher will demonstrate the BB vs. Marble in a test tube. Name The travels faster than the because it has less. This shows Newton’s 2 nd law because…..
DO NOW V: 0 FridayAnswer the following questions in your INB. 1.Would rather be hit by a small car or an 18-wheeler? Why? 2.Would you rather use a bicycle or a car to get somewhere fast? Why? 3.Would you rather catch a ping pong ball or a bowling ball traveling at 50 mph? Why? 4.Would you rather hit your head on a wall or on a Kleenex box? Why? 5.Would you rather race with 20 pounds added to you or with 50 pounds? Why?
TEKS 8.(6)(C) investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic activities, and rocket launches.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do unbalanced forces affect the motion of an object? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will demonstrate mastery of Newton’s 1 st and 3 rd laws of motion.
Agenda Today’s Agenda 1.Practice Examples from Homework 2.Newton’s Law Video 3.Newton’s Laws pictures 4.Pre Quiz on Newton’s laws. HomeworkGrade Level – Newton’s Law of Motion (1 st page only) Pre-AP – Newton’s Law of Motion (both sides) QUIZ TODAY
Review Laws V: 0 Homework Practice Problems as class.
Newton’s Law Video V: 0 BrainPop Video on Newton’s Laws
Newton’s Laws Identified V: 0 On your index card, identify each for the following picture. 1.An example of inertia 2.An example of an action-reaction 3.An example of F=ma 4.An example of either a balanced force or an unbalanced force.
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws Pictures V: 0
Newton’s Laws PreQuiz V: 0 This is a practice quiz about questions that might be on your unit test next week.