Citizens and Governance in a knowledge based society Nijmegen, 5 februari 2003 Trudy Millenaar EG-Liaison
History European research started in 1957 Specific research activities on social sciences launched in TSER FP4: EUR 105 miljoen - Key action FP5: EUR 165 miljoen - Priority 7 FP6: EUR 225 miljoen
Roadmap Priority 7 –Context, Research Areas, Key Elements Implementation –Instruments, Budget Content of the First Call –Structure, Research topics Preparing an application –InfoPack, Participation, Deadlines Evaluation & Selection –Criteria, Procedures Info
Priority 7 General Context European Research Area (ERA) –Long-term strategic policy objective for EU and Member States 6th Framework Programme (FP6) –Main EU instrument to support ERA “Integrating” Programme –Focus on Thematic Priorities Priority 7 “Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society” –Focal point for social sciences and humanities
Priority 7 Objectives of the programme Support and develop Social Sciences and Humanities to produce high quality research in areas of policy relevance... … while structuring Social Sciences and Humanities in such a way to fully exploit the opportunities of the emerging European Research Area
Political Context Lisbon Summit 2000 fixed ambitious objectives for EU Knowledge base for managing the transition process … … and identification of new challenges Comparative dimension Multidisciplinarity; integrative approach
Priority7 Knowledge-based Society (1)Generation, Distribution, Use of Knowledge (2)Options & Choices for the development of a knowledge-based Society (KBS) Quality of Life; Social Cohesion;Labour Market Policies; Life-long Education; Sustainable Development … (3)Variety of Paths towards KBS Transition Processes at EU, national, regional Level
Priority 7 Citizens and Governance (4) Implications of European Integration and Enlargement for Governance and the Citizen (5)Areas of Responsibility and new Forms of Governance (6)Resolution of Conflicts and Restortion of Peace and Justice (7)New Forms of Citizenship and cultural Identities
Implementation Our toolbox Networks of Excellence (NoE) Integrated Projects (IP) Specific targeted research Projects (STRP) Coordination Actions (CA)...
Implementation Networks of Excellence Structuring the European Research Area Integrating research capacities from national programmes/activities Long-term perspective “Top-down” area definition Duration: 5 years Financial support:3 - 7 Million Euro
Implementation Integrated Project Ambitious, targeted research endeavour Clearly defined objectives Aiming at results of “direct relevance” “Top-down” definition of key issues Duration: 5 years Financial support:3 - 7 Million Euro
Implementation Specific Targeted Research Project Basic features similar to “traditional” RTD Projects in FP4 and FP5 Emphasis on developing excellence Preparing the ground for future NoE/IP “Bottom-up” definition of specific topics Duration: 3 years Financial support:around 1 Million Euro
Implementation Coordination Actions Basic features similar to “traditional” Thematic Networks in FP4 and FP5 Emphasis on cordination of activities (meetings, information system etc.) “Bottom-up” definition of specific topics Duration: 3 years Financial support:around 0.7 Million Euro
Implementation Some first reflections on the budget Total Budget:225 Million Euro A possible scenario (for “intelligent illustration”) InstrumentNumber Expenditure of Projectsin Million Euro NoE2080 IP2080 STRP4545 CA1510 Others 3
Content of the First Call Structure Three parts - Two deadlines: Part A:NoE and IP Part B:STRP and CA Part C: NoE and IP Each part is only “open” for a limited number of research topics:
Content of the First Call Coverage Parts A and C (NoE and IP): Propsals should cover one topic to the maximum extent possible („entirely“) One project per topic will be funded Part B (STREP and CA): Proposals should cover important parts of (at least) one topic On average two to three projects per topic will be funded
Content of the First Call Part A - Research Topics NoE and IPDeadline: (1)Science and Technology in the knowledge based society (2)Societal trends in the KBS and their implications for quality of life (3)Migration immigration and multiculturalism as challenges for KBSs (5)Multilevel governance, democracy and new policy instruments (6)New approaches to security and the role of Europe
Content of the First Call Part B - Research Topics (1) STRP and CADeadline: (1)Understanding of KBS (1)Knowledge based entrepreneurship (1)New knowledge and integration of social sciences and humanities in Europe (2)Education challenges for the KBS (2)Links between science and education (2)Intergenerational inheritance of inequalities (2)Insecurity (3)Historical development of socio-economic models (3)Citizens attitudes and civic values (3)Sustainable development and KBS (3)“Knowledge for Humankind” Initiative
Content of the First Call Part B - Research Topics (2) STRP and CADeadline: (4)Transformations in the candidate countries (5)Corporate social Responsibility (6)Human rights (6)Roots of violent conflicts (7)Active civic participation (7)European public sphere
Content of the First Call Part C - Research Topics NoE and IPDeadline: (1)Understanding knowledge (1)Knowledge dynamics and economic development in Europe and its regions (2)Social cohesion in the KBS (2)Changes in work in the KBS (2)Promoting the KBS through life-long-learning (4)Deepening and widening of the EU (4)Global governance, regulatory frameworks and the role of the EU (5)Public interest (5)Towards a European contract law (7)European citizenship and multiple identities (7)Cultural dialogue and European society (7)New perspectives on European history
Preparing an application Information Package Call Text (specific for Priority 7) Workprogramme (specific for Priority 7) Guide for Proposers (specific for each instrument in Priority 7) –including (specific) Application Forms Evaluation Guide (specific for Priority 7) FP6 in Brief (general overview) Financial details (general; still to come)
Preparing an application Submission of proposals Electronic Submission –Registration required –PDF or RTF format Submission on CD-ROM or Diskette –Join printed version... Paper Submission –One copy only... –No signatures any more...
Preparing an application Who can participate? Country Participation Money EU Yes Yes Candidate countries Yes Yes (Central and Eastern Europe, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey) NO, FL, IS Yes Yes Israel Yes Yes Switzerland Yes (Yes) Rest of Europe Yes ? Rest of the world Yes ?
Preparing an application The two parts of a proposal Part A: Forms –Factual information, coordinates, budget –Specific per instrument Part B: Scientific part –Objectives, Impact, Implementation Plan, Consortium, Management, Resources, Workplan, Workpackages, Milestones, Deliverables,… –Specific per instrument –Not anonymous
Preparing an application Pre-Proposal Check “Offer” to have an outline of your proposal checked by one of our colleagues Strictly informal and not binding Up to one month prior to deadline Only one check per proposal Preferably by to Please respect “roughly two pages”...
Preparing an application Pre-Registration Please help us to prepare the evaluation process … … by providing us with an early “warning” on what kind of proposals we can expect Pre-Registration available via Pre-Registration does not commit you to submit a proposal...
Preparing an application The Deadlines... Deadlines: –Part A and B: , 17:00 h –Part C , 17:00 h Electronic Submission: –sent before deadline Paper submission (Mail,Hand delivery) –received by the Commission before deadline Don’t take any risks - There are no exceptions from the rules!
Evaluation & Selection Evaluation Procedure External, independent evaluators Three to five evaluators per proposal Consensus Meetings Detailed consensus report All blocks of criteria with equal weighting Thresholds per block and overall (x out of 5) Only proposals passing thresholds are eligible for funding
Evaluation & Selection Criteria for Networks of Excellence Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme Potential Impact(3) Excellence of participants (3) Degree of integration and the joint programme of activities (4) Organisation and management (3) Overall threshold: 4
Evaluation & Selection Criteria for Integrated Projects Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme Potential Impact(3) S&T Excellence (4) Quality of the consortium (3) Quality of the management(3) Mobilisation of resources (3) Overall threshold: 4
Evaluation & Selection Criteria for STREPs and CAs Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme STRP: S&T Excellence/ CA: Quality of coordination(4) Potential Impact(3) Quality of the consortium (3) Quality of the management(3) Mobilisation of resources (3) Overall threshold: 3.5
Evaluation & Selection Selection Number of “positively” evaluated proposals (normally) exceeds available budget Commission selects among the “positively” evaluated proposals according to –balanced distribution between disciplines etc. –coverage of research tasks –structuring and integrating effects for the ERA Selection needs approval of Member States
Evaluation & Selection Evaluators needed... Evaluation is crucial ! Involvement of high quality evaluators from all over Europe required Stressful, but highly interesting task Open call for applications from individuals and for suggestions from institutions:
Hints & Tips ”Check-list” for applicants Right task, right instrument, right deadline? Essential contribution to objectives, themes and tasks ? What about the European Research Area? Clear ideas on who will do what ? Sound description of methodologies ? Impact, dissemination, users ? Fun to read your proposal ?
Information on ERA and FP6: Webpage for Priority 7 Publication of EoI submissions Helpdesk for Priority 7
EG-Liaison Met ingang van 1 maart 2003: Gebouw CentreCourt Juliana van Stolberglaan 3, (Postbus 93144) 2595 CA Den Haag, (2509 AC) Tel: Fax: Web: