For and against CCTV and Electronic Tracking By Tom Slack
For CCTV They reduce crime in the street They reduce theft from shops They improve safety and security One guard can monitor numerous monitors Cameras don’t take sick days off Wired CCTV can only be hacked into if someone can access the wiring
Against CCTV Wireless cctv can be hacked into by another receiver. Guard must be licensed if the area being monitored is used by the public. Must be wary if camera is moveable that you are not looking into private residences. How far should this surveillance go? Do you want strangers to know where you are at all times? Do you trust them not to misuse the information? Do they actually reduce crime or simply move it elsewhere? People don’t want to be under constant surveillance
For Electronic Tracking If somebody has disappeared/been kidnapped they can be located People don’t get lost If you have a disease (such as Alzheimer's) you can be monitored so you don’t wonder off and disappear Companies can see where their users live to find information
Against Electronic Tracking Why do companies need to know where you are? If someone hacks the network, they can find out where people are and their details Is it a breach of your privacy? People don’t want to be under constant surveillance Do you trust them not to misuse the information?