Richness (quality of info) Reach (number of people who participate in sharing of info) Traditional Trade-off Figure 1. The Tradeoff Between Richness and Rich Source: Evans & Wurster
Richness Reach Traditional Trade-off Figure 2. The New-Tradeoff Between Richness and Rich New Trade-off (Internet) Fixed (larger screen & keyboard) Mobile (easier access) PDA Phone
Figure 3. Typical Mobile Billing Scheme in the Japanese Mobile Phone Market Service Providers Retail Outlets Subscribers Activation Commissions ($300 - $400) Buy Phones (typically < $50) Monthly (about $40) & Air Time (average is $40/ Month) Charges Phone Manufacturers Buy Phones (typically < $300)
Consumers Other Firms Other Payment Schemes (credit cards, debit accounts) Content Providers Service Providers Money Information/Products Figure 4. Billing Schemes in the Japanese Mobile Internet : Clearinghouses 2: Pay to have contents loaded 3. Support existing business 4. Advertisement- related model 4 4 Existing Business 3