Data Provenance All Hands Community Meeting March 5, 2015
Meeting Etiquette Please mute your phone when you are not speaking to prevent background noise. – All meetings are recorded. Please do not put your phone on hold. – Hang up and dial back in to prevent hold music. Please announce your name before speaking Use the “Chat” feature to ask questions or share comments. – Send chats to “All Participants” so they can be addressed publicly in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). 2 Click on the “chat” bubble at the top of the meeting window to send a chat.
Agenda TopicTime Allotted Sub-Workgroup Updates System Requirements SWG Information Interchange SWG 30 minutes
System Requirements Sub-Work Group Report Out 4
System Requirements SWG Week of2/233/23/93/163/233/30 Launch SWG: Prepare, organize, plan, review existing materials Define a core set of provenance requirements Identify Candidate Standards to meet the need of requirements Define “change” and the implications for provenance Consider implications of security aspects Capture policy considerations and request further guidance ** Report out on weekly progress during the Thursday All Hands Call** Legend: Not Started; In progress; Ready
Updates Data Elements 6
Information Interchange Sub-Work Group Review and Report Out 7
Scope Address Communication/Information Interchange requirements: – The integrity of the provenance data for clinical content should remain intact during transport. For the purposes of this use case, start with the assumption that at the point for information interchange, the “source provenance” is good, complete, trusted 8
Framing Question For information exchanged between EHRs, can I trust it, and has it been changed? – Can we be sure that the meaning of the clinical content has not changed? If so can we trust it? Assumption? – Has the artifact itself changed (e.g. transformation)? Consider that, for clinical care, if trending the data, one may need to know the degree to which the information can be trusted. 9
Information Interchange SWG 10 Goal # GoalArtifact and Description 1 Define a set of basic/core requirements for provenance for information interchange between EHRs: Are there any specific technologies or architecture well suited for us to consider in the implementation guide (e.g.RESTul, Exchange, DIRECT and/or those specified in Meaningful use etc.) What transactions need to be specified in the IG? (For example IHE specification ABC…) Document defining a set of basic/core requirements for provenance for information interchange between EHRs (e.g. REST, Exchange, Direct etc.) and what Transactions needed in the IG 2 What type of payloads should we focus on when looking at information interchange requirements between EHRs (e.g. C-CDA etc.?) – what do we want to start with – pick a payload Document, table or list of recommendations for the type of payloads for interchange requirements between EHRs 3 Identify Candidate Standards to meet the requirements of goals 1 and 2 using existing candidate standards list Short list of the proposed candidate standards that can achieve requirements of the first goal 4 Consider the implications of security aspects related to information interchange – Traceability, audit, etc. – what is the impact on the trust decision? (Consider Privacy) List or document of the implications of security aspects 5 If applicable, capture policy considerations related to system behavior and request further guidance from the HITPC. List of questions for HITPC
Information Interchange SWG Week of3/43/113/183/254/14/8 Launch SWG: Prepare, organize, plan, review existing materials Define a core set of provenance requirements Identify payloads that we should focus on Identify Candidate Standards to meet the need of requirements Consider implications of security aspects Capture policy considerations and request further guidance ** Report out on weekly progress during the Thursday All Hands Call** Legend: Not Started; In progress; Ready
SWG Logistics Discussion Information Interchange – Proposed weekly meeting time Weds from 3-4 (instead of 2-3) 12
Next Steps Next All Hands meeting is Thursday, March 12, 2015 – Join us for the System Sub Workgroup Meeting Friday March 6 th – Stay tuned for information on the Information Interchange Sub Work Group –
Support Team and Questions Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Data Provenance Support Team: Initiative Coordinator: Johnathan Coleman: OCPO Sponsor: Julie Chua: OST Sponsor: Mera Choi: Subject Matter Experts: Kathleen Connor: and Bob Yencha: Support Team: – Project Management: Jamie Parker: – Standards Development Support: Perri Smith: and Atanu Sen: – Support: Apurva Dharia: Rebecca Angeles: and Zach May: 14