P UZZLERS Created by: Mr. Luoma
What word to the following have in common? Cans Foil Roofs
E LEMENT OF THE D AY : T IN Atomic Number: Protons, 50 Electron Atomic Weight: Location: Group 14 4 valence electrons Non-toxic Stays shiny forever Easy to melt and form into small shapes Not expensive
E LEMENT OF THE D AY : T IN Why is Tin cool to learn about? Many things called “Tin,” are not made of tin Tin cans Tinfoil Tin roofs “Tin” has come to mean any sort of thin sheet metal At a scrap metal yard, the sheets lifted by electromagnets are referred to as ‘tin’ even though tin is non-magnetic
R EVIEW F ROM W EDNESDAY Single Displacement Reaction Single: one element or compound replaces another to create a new compound 1. Metal (A) replaces a metal (B) A + BC AC + B Example: Mg(s) + CuSO 4 (aq) MgSO 4 (aq) + Cu (s) 2. Non-metal (A) replaces a non-metal (C) A + BC BA + C or A + BC C + BA Example: F 2 (g) + 2NaI (s) I 2 (s) + 2NaF (s)
R EVIEW F ROM W EDNESDAY Double Displacement Reaction Double Displacement: two positive ions switch places, creating two new substances A precipitate (solid, insoluble substance) may be formed AB + CD AD + CB Example: AgNO 3 (aq) + KCl (aq) AgCl (s) + KNO 3 (aq)
S INGLE & D OUBLE D ISPLACEMENT L AB Safety: Read all of the instructions carefully before completing each step Ask questions when you are unsure Wear safety goggles at all times Clean up any spills immediately Clean up the lab as instructed by the teacher
S INGLE & D OUBLE D ISPLACEMENT L AB 1. Follow the instructions carefully 2. Obtain all of the necessary materials for your group 3. Complete the experiments and answer the questions pertaining to each part of the experiment 4. Hand in your completed lab answers at the end of class for marks 5. Clean up your work areas, wash all laboratory equipment, and return all equipment from the experiment to the cart
L ITERACY T EST P REPARATION ON Science 10 Exercise & Homework Book Page 93 Please do not write in these books! 1. Read the blurb: “The Basics of Oven Cleaning” 2. Answer the multiple choice questions (#23-27) in your notebook 3. Write an answer for question 28 in your notebook
L ITERACY T EST P REPARATION : A NSWERS ON Science 10 Exercise & Homework Book Page c a d b a 28. Ammonia vapours can cause eye, lung, and skin irritation. It is also very toxic at high concentrations.
S UPPORTING D OCUMENTS ON Science 10 Textbook Pages: Chapter 4 Power Point for ON Science 10 Slides: 13-21
H OMEWORK ON Science 10 Textbook Page 195 #1-4 Try page 198 #1-8
H OMEWORK A NSWERS Pg A + BC → AC + B A + BC → BA + C 2. a. Decomposition, since the compound is broken down. b. Single displacement, since Ag replaces Au in the compound. c. Synthesis, since two separate elements form a single compound.
H OMEWORK A NSWERS Pg Example: 4. These elements are the least reactive, so they do not readily form compounds.
H OMEWORK A NSWERS Pg. 198 A reactive element takes the place of a less reactive element in a compound. 2. a. Ca (s) + 2AgNO 3(aq) → 2Ag (s) + Ca(NO 3 ) 2(aq) b. not reaction c. Al (s) + HCl (aq) → AlCl 3(aq) + H 2(g) 3. Many metals are more reactive than silver is, so there are many elements that could be used to displace the silver. Lithium, however, is the most reactive of the metals in the activity series. There are no metals more reactive that could be used to displace it.
H OMEWORK A NSWERS Pg Two compounds exchange positive (or negative) ions, forming two new compounds. 5. Example:
H OMEWORK A NSWERS Pg a. single displacement Cl 2(g) + 2CsBr (aq) → Br 2 + 2CsCl b. double displacement 2AgNO 3(aq) + Na 2 CrO 4(aq) → Ag 2 CrO 4 + 2NaNO 3 c. double displacement MgCl 2(aq) + 2AgNO 3(aq) → 2AgCl + Mg(NO 3 ) 2 d. single displacement F 2 (g) + 2NaI (aq) → I 2 + 2NaF 7. single displacement reaction; 3CuSO 4 + 2Al → 3Cu + Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ; copper 8. A double displacement reaction because the arsenate would precipitate from the solution.