DOUBLE DISPLACEMENT LAB WRITEUP Purpose Your purpose must include the following reaction: Li 2 (SO 4 ) + Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
INSTRUCTIONS In your purpose address the following: 1. Explain what a double displacement reaction is. 2. Explain the terms aqueous, precipitate, cation, anion, subscript, coefficient, reactants, and products. In addition to explaining each of these terms you need to label and identify each term on the equation.
LAB WRITE UP Materials Your write up needs to include a materials section. List the written name and the chemical formula. Refer to lab experiment as reference.
LAB WRITE UP Data and Equations This section is to include your balanced equations. Period 3 and 5: Numbers (others were done prior and handed in separate).
LAB WRITE UP Post Lab Questions (refer to lab)
CONCLUSION Your conclusion should address the following: What is solubility? What is the purpose of solubility rules and how where they applied in this lab.