The Foundation for Our Leadership (Lesson 1) The Foundation for Our Leadership (Lesson 1) Million Leaders Mandate Notebook Five
The Foundation for Our Leadership Our Ministry Will Be a Precious Treasure or a Performance Trap “Come to Me, all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest... For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
Two Common Drives 1.We are driven to GET CLOSE TO HIM. 2.We are driven to GET BUSY FOR HIM 1.We are driven to GET CLOSE TO HIM. 2.We are driven to GET BUSY FOR HIM
Our Problem COMPETENCECOMMUNION 1.Thrives on rules and routines 1.Thrives on relationship 2.Acts out of duty2.Acts out of devotion 4.Human obligation 3.Motivation: guilt 4.Divine grace 3.Motivation: gratitude 5.Comparison to others5.Acceptance of others 6.Tired performance6.Empowered service
Performance vs. Service Performance vs. Service Performance = Ministry done out of human OBLIGATION, contrived from human strength in order to gain the approval of someone. Service = Ministry done out of an experience of GRACE. It is a loving response to a new identity in order to say thank you to God. Performance = Ministry done out of human OBLIGATION, contrived from human strength in order to gain the approval of someone. Service = Ministry done out of an experience of GRACE. It is a loving response to a new identity in order to say thank you to God.
Conclusions Regarding Our Problem 1.Our ministry must move from PERFORMANCE to SERVICE. 2.We must pursue COMMUNION before COMPETENCE. 3.We cannot be GRACE-GIVERS until we are GRACE-RECEIVERS. 1.Our ministry must move from PERFORMANCE to SERVICE. 2.We must pursue COMMUNION before COMPETENCE. 3.We cannot be GRACE-GIVERS until we are GRACE-RECEIVERS.
Our Potential 1.The Picture of a Father and Son We are first a CHILD of God before we are a WORKER for God. 2.The Picture of a Marriage We are the BRIDE of Christ before we are SLAVES to Christ. 1.The Picture of a Father and Son We are first a CHILD of God before we are a WORKER for God. 2.The Picture of a Marriage We are the BRIDE of Christ before we are SLAVES to Christ.
Our Potential 3.The Picture of an Ambassador We operate in GOD’S power and authority, not our OWN. 3.The Picture of an Ambassador We operate in GOD’S power and authority, not our OWN.
Grace Foundations 1.God’s grace is MINE for free because it’s based on Jesus’ performance, not mine. 2.God does not love me and SAVE me for what I can do for Him. 3.I must DIE to my “old husband” (the law) and stop relating to God on that basis. 1.God’s grace is MINE for free because it’s based on Jesus’ performance, not mine. 2.God does not love me and SAVE me for what I can do for Him. 3.I must DIE to my “old husband” (the law) and stop relating to God on that basis.
Grace Foundations 4.God’s grace accepts me as I am, then ENABLES me to live above my own ability. 5.The only requirement for receiving grace is HUMILITY. 6.Ministry is greater under grace, because GRATITUDE, not GUILT, is the motivation. 4.God’s grace accepts me as I am, then ENABLES me to live above my own ability. 5.The only requirement for receiving grace is HUMILITY. 6.Ministry is greater under grace, because GRATITUDE, not GUILT, is the motivation.
Stepping into Grace Stepping into Grace 1.REVEAL- Conduct honest personal examination and diagnosis. 2.RELINQUISH - Surrender my performance issues to God. 1.REVEAL- Conduct honest personal examination and diagnosis. 2.RELINQUISH - Surrender my performance issues to God.
Stepping into Grace 3.RECALL - Note the people and issues for which I am performing. 4.RELEASE - Forgive—let go of wrong views and surrender myself. 3.RECALL - Note the people and issues for which I am performing. 4.RELEASE - Forgive—let go of wrong views and surrender myself.
Stepping into Grace 5.REQUEST - Ask the Holy Spirit to grant God’s grace. 6.RENOUNCE - Refuse to allow wrong motives to rule me. 7.RETURN - Return to serving God from a loving, responsive heart. 5.REQUEST - Ask the Holy Spirit to grant God’s grace. 6.RENOUNCE - Refuse to allow wrong motives to rule me. 7.RETURN - Return to serving God from a loving, responsive heart.