OMI Total Column Ozone compared with the Suomi NPP OMPS Mapper OMI Science Team Meeting, De Bilt, Netherlands 31 August – 2 September, 2015 Richard McPeters.


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Presentation transcript:

OMI Total Column Ozone compared with the Suomi NPP OMPS Mapper OMI Science Team Meeting, De Bilt, Netherlands 31 August – 2 September, 2015 Richard McPeters NASA GSFC

The comparison:  NPP OMPS Nadir Mapper Ozone version 8 TOMS algorithm (317 – 340 nm) uses Brion – Daumont - Malicet ozone cross sections (ozone ~ 1.5% higher than using BP) uses cloud height climatology from OMI  OMITOMS version 8.5 Ozone version 8.5 TOMS algorithm (317 – 340 nm) uses Bass and Paur ozone cross sections cloud height derived for each FOV instrument calibration very stable  compare with SBUV Merged Ozone dataset and with NOAA 19 SBUV/2 to evaluate long term stability

OMI long term versus SBUV

OMI agrees with NOAA 19 SBUV/2 with half a percent offset 60°S – 60°N

The NPP total column mapper has a larger offset relative to OMI

The NPP profiler ozone is 2% higher than OMI

The southern hemisphere NPP profiler has ~1% annual cycle relative to OMI

Conclusions ► OMI is very stable relative to the v8.6 SBUV time series ► The NPP mapper and nadir profiler are stable relative to OMI  total column mapper ~1.5% high relative to OMI  Nadir profiler ~2% high relative to OMI ► The NPP OMPS nadir profiler has significant seasonal dependence in both hemispheres ► Version 2 processing is underway for both NPP mapper and profiler Coming attractions ….

DSCOVR-EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) A 10 channel filter imager: nm – ozone, SO nmaerosols, vegetation 325ozone680O 2 B band reference 340ozone, aerosols688O 2 B band cloud ht 388aerosols, clouds764O 2 A band cloud ht 443aerosols780O 2 A band reference From the L1 Lagrange point EPIC views the entire sunlit Earth

“blue marble” EPIC image taken in July 2015 (~10 km resolution)

779 nm Reference O 2 A-band showing sensitivity to cloud height Weakly Attenuated

O 2 A-band showing sensitivity to cloud height Strongly absorbed by O nm O2 A-band

688 nm June 18 Cloud height Index = Ratio (764nm/779nm) O 2 A-Band 764nm Cloud Height Index Cloud Height Index Estimated from Oxygen A-Band

Lunar Transit with Music