Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR) Program CVTL CSR-Forum Bangkok September 16-18, 2014
CVTL has been Standardized Planning and monitoring tools for ICBRR program (consist of DM, Health & youth) On CVTL staff have been attended CP training in jakarta CVTL has drafted national SOP & floods CP for district of covalima National simulation for tsunami was conducted in collaboration with government and other I/NGOs. (NDMD, DDMC, CVTL, MOH, Mercy corps, PNTL, Fire Service,) ICBRR program approach has been covered 10 district with total 22 communities Improved sustainability of wat-san output through establishment of maintenance groups Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House
Wat-san and CBHFA11488 First Aid (FA)2785 HIV/Aids PE1162 Health in Emergency (Dengue Outbreaks)7192 Total beneficiary Health achievements
Integrated safe shelter awareness into DRR Produced & printed 1400 safe shelter manuals, piloted in three communities (Asubilitoho, beiseuk & Hau Robo) Developed & printed 30 DRR facilitator manuals, distributed to 13 district Processed 240 new shelter toolkits Restocked 4287 Emergency Relief Item in NHQ and all 13 Branches. BDRT refresher training conducted in 3 districts with 75 participants. Responded to disasters for 198 HH for high wind, house burning and floods DM Program Achievements
Number of direct beneficiaries Livelihood for 25 community groups established
DRR Education for Community 22 Community targeted Village in 10 district trained on DRR (EWS & Evacuation, protection of environment & CCA, Risk Mapping, Simulation Exercise) 3000 trees been planted in 3 target community in collaboration with local leader student and community it self
ICBRR Activities Livelihood training DRR training for community and volunteer DRR education for school children and non formal education Tree planting, Flood protection, evacuation centers, posters distribution and door to door education CDR (Community Disaster Response) training Safe shelter Training Youth in DRR Hygiene promotion, Wat-San
Timor-Leste Government - ICBRR IOM - 7 district NZRC - ICBRR in 1 district 3 years ARC - ICBRR in 6 district Japan Embassy - ICBRR 1 district) Conoco Philips -Recovery program COICA TYW Company New Initiative and new partners
Challenges to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map 1.No integrated country planning 2. Political intervention 3.Three dollars program 4.Project period is too short 5.Geographical (lack of access to remote area)
Opportunities to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map With ICBRR can respond to the basic needs of the community in four sectors (Livelihood, DRR, Watsan and Health promotion) Maintained Integrated Planning, Meeting and Implementation between Health, DRR, Livelihood and Youth Integration Workshop between OD, DM, Health and Youth whiting National Level. Standardized Operational Procedure (SOP) for health in emergency Maintain the coordination meeting with NDMD. Other key stakeholders Look back study will be conducted in 2014; results will be used to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the CVTL programs
NS engagement to strengthen the coordination and cooperation at National level 1. CBDRM working group 2.Cluster member 3.Health Working groups 4.Wash Forum
Specific expectation for IFRC 1. Developing SOP for Health in Emergency 2. National Standard for FA 3. Adaptations of RDRT curriculum, NDRT and BDRT as well 4. Watsan National Standard