Mapping our Universe for Precision Cosmology Max Tegmark, MIT
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 Smorga sbord THE COSMIC SM Ö RG Å SBORD Galaxy surveys Microwave background Gravitational lensing Big Bang nucleosynthesis Supernovae Ia Galaxy clusters Lyman forest Neutral hydrogen tomography
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 What have we learned?
Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy To 0th order: Cosmological functions (z), G(z,k), P s (k), P t (k) H(z) (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)
Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy H(z) P(k,z) To 1st order: (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 Formation movies
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 Par movies
Cmbgg OmOl 4% 21% 75% Using WMAP + SDSS LRGs:
Cmbgg OmOl Standard model parameters: Cosmology Particle physics Required Optional C = h = G = k b = q e = 1
What we’ve learned about dark energy from SN Ia Yun Wang, arXiv:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, par movies Ly LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/ updates CMB
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 CMB progress
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 exp 9911 CMB Shown at DM2000:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 boom CMB Shown at DM2002:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, dpi CMB Shown at DM2004:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 Boom zoom For Guth & Kaiser 2005, Science +B03, … Shown at DM2006:
Reichardt et al 2008, arXiv: Shown at DM2008:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 WMAP7 2010
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, GHz J. W. Fowler et al, arXiv:
But where have all the clusters gone? THE PROMISE: Report of the Dark Energy Task Force 2006: The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10-meter submillimeter-wave telescope with a 1000-element bolometric focal plane array with channels at 90, 150, 220 and 270 GHz. It would conduct a deep, large solid angle (4000 square degree) galaxy- cluster survey using the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich ef- fect. About 20,000 clusters with masses greater than 2 × solar masses are expected to be dis- covered. 5 clusters/square degree RESULTS SO FAR: SPT: about 0.3 clusters/square degree (4/40 sq deg in Staniszewski et al 2008, now ~260/1000 sq deg in pipeline/T. Stark) ACT: about 0.2 clusters/square degree (J. Sievers, priv. comm)
Planck launched 5/14-09 and works well:
Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT ITP June 21, 2010 Galaxy clustering progress