Goal 4 Part 2 Rise and Fall of Populism
The Rise and Fall of POPULISM Populism – the movement of “PEOPLE” Formed: Omaha Platform (1892) (BIRTH) –Main focus: lift the burden of the people / farmers “against the abuses of the R.R.” Enemy: railroads, banks and elitist –Outcome: Convinced the federal government they should be responsible for the actions of the R.R. = REGULATION / CONTROL
Important legislation and ideas during the Populist movement –Populist Platform: (a) An increase in money supply (more $ = farmers can raise crop prices) (b) A graduated / progressive income tax - 16 th Amendment (more income = more tax – saves some pressure on the farmers) (c) Free and unlimited coinage of silver (Turn silver into the Mint – coinage at the expense of the federal government) (d) 17 th Amendment: –Direct election of Senators *(Instead of state legislature….its by the people / popular vote) (e) REGULATION of the Railroads (f) 8 hour work days
Bland-Allison Act (1878) Farmers and other debtors pushed the government to issue more money into circulation. The Bland-Allison Act of 1878 required the government to buy and coin at least $2 million to $4 million worth of silver each month, Unsuccessful: but this wasn’t enough to support the increase in the money supply that the farmers needed.
Politics in Populism “Silver or Gold?????” Late 1800s – mild “sectionalism” Republicans (Northern Industrialists / Bankers) Democrats / Populists (Southern Farmers) Main Focus: WHICH METAL WILL BECOME THE BASIS OF THE NATION’S MONETARY SYSTEM????? “Silverites” who favored “Bimetallism” – either gold OR silver in exchange for paper $ (abundance) FARMERS Benefit: more money in circulation would help raise crop prices “Gold bugs” who favored “Gold Standard” – JUST gold in exchange for paper $ (more stable) BANKERS
Bimetallism / William Jennings Bryan
1896 Presidential Election vs. –Republican – William McKinley (Winner) (Gold bug/ gold standard) –includes bankers and businessmen –Democrat / Populist – William Jennings Bryan (Silverite/ bimetallism) – includes farmers and laborers - Criticized for his radical beliefs MAIN ISSUE: WHICH METAL WILL BECOME THE BASIS OF THE NATION’S MONETARY SYSTEM?????
William Jennings Bryan’s CROSS OF GOLD Speech 1896 Democratic / Populist Nomination speech Remember: Bryan SUPPORTS Bimetallism and the “farmer / common man” “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor the crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” »William Jennings Bryan (Cross of Gold Speech) »HATES the Gold Standard »SUPPORTS BIMETALLISM
What ENDS Populism ?? (1) Democrats “ADOPTED” (Gold Triumphs OVER Silver) many of the Populist ideas…. and they later became law (Ex. 16 th & 17 th Amendment) (2) William McKinley’s victory in the 1896 Presidential Election
Populist Party Causes: - falling crop prices - excessive railroad prices / abuse - need for free and unlimited coinage of silver - need for regulation and a federal loan program Effects : - New ideas that later became law (17 th Amendment) - federal regulation of private industry - message for “hope” for farmer / laborer & the ability to “Organize”
Which issue led to the organization of the Populist Party? A. The desire to lift the burden of debt from farmers and other workers B. The collapse of the Second Bank of the United States C. An increase in immigration D. Limited availability of land in the West for use by new farmers
T.Q. Which statement BEST explains the Populist Party decline? a.The party did not have effective leaders b.The Populist platform only addressed the goals of farmers c.The Democratic Party adopted many of the Populists’ goals and ideas d.The nation elected a Democratic President
Populist Party Individually or Groups of 2 to 4 –You are members of the Populist Party. It is your job to (1)Design a campaign poster and a CREST to convince voters / farmers that you can offer to lift the burden they feel on a daily basis from the corporate elite Remember: Farmers do not have a political voice…..give them one!