Reawakening the Spirit in Work: The Power of Dharmic Management Donald Kerns SJSU ISE 250
Introduction n Respiriting u Reawakening to Spirit in Management and Life n Revering u Love and Reverence in Work and Life n Repowering u Aligning Beliefs Thoughts and Being n Recharactering u Strengthening Personal and Organizational Integrity n Reinspiring u The Spiritual Core of Leadership
Revering n Reverence Continuum u Uncivilized, Politeness, Caring, Respect, Reverence n Love as: u Desire, Feelings, Action u Giving, Energy (powered love), Spirit (being love) n Love? u Cooperation, teamwork, loyalty, understanding, tolerance, helping, “protecting each others dignity”
Repowering n Belief u Belief in what? Belief in belief. u “Faking it until you’re making it.” n Already-Thereness u Uncover not discover. u “Just be one” u “This is how we do it” NOT “This is how we hope to do it someday.” n Instantaneousness u Realization / Vision change u Goldratt n Untethering u Let go of attitudes, beliefs and belongings that hold us back.
Recharactering (Integrity) n Wholeness u Totality, soundness, perfection, completeness n Goodness u decency, fairness, kindness, politeness, respect n Courage u proceeding in spite of fear. “Biting the bullet” n Self discipline u Self development to strengthen yourself to act in accordance with your inner promptings n Living by inner truth u Is this the way… F to live my life, to be treated, treat others u Towards or away from “Spirit”
Things I liked n Accept it, change it or leave it. n Never in shape, either going one direction or the other n I owe. u (Thank you Dr. Seven) n Find examples vs. gap analysis