Data Collection for Goals & Benchmarks Carol Riccardi-Gahan Director of Student Support Services Norfolk Public Schools
Problem Statement Currently there is a lack of data collection to document progress on IEP Goals and Benchmarks. Current Performance information is not always data related. Data stated in Current Performance and or Benchmarks is not always stated in Progress Reports
Problem Summary Care: Many instances have occurred in the past several years in which we, as a district, didn’t have the hard evidence to substantiate progress. Relate: Parent, Administration and Regulation authorities Examine: Aug.09 concensogram indicated the staff understood the importance of data collection to the IEP; they knew how to collect the data but were not applying the knowledge in a consistent manner. Acquire: At staff meetings, staff shared the data collection sheets/methods they use. An electronic “shared folder” was created so all staff could access each other’s data sheets and adapt them to their needs. The “shared folder” was created by the technology staff.
Try: What was your intervention strategy? Presented two samples-good & bad, Progress Reports from Out-of -District IEPs. With these examples, demonstrate the importance of the connectedness of Current Performance, Goals, Benchmarks and Progress notes. Provide positive feedback for IEPs that follow this format.
Evaluation/Results: What happened? (Show us your data.) No current data is available yet. I have begun to see differences in how the data is being used in Current Performance, Goals and Benchmarks sections of the IEPs.
Extend and Renew: What will you do to keep things going? When our first progress reports come out, Dec. 4th, I intend to review how the progress reports note data collection progress and how it relates to the Benchmarks and Current Performance. Address individually-more growth needed Address individually & in staff meetings- good examples
Lessons Learned Staff knew what they should be doing but weren’t. Staff didn’t make time to create the data collection sheets/methods. Discussing my expectations for the quality the district needs was helpful to the staff.