NNEC Shared Space Implementation of NNEC Data Strategy UNIS TEM 6 Outbrief Dr Sven Kuehne CAT-2 Interoperability | NATO C3 Agency - The Hague Tel.: +31 (0) |
NATO UNCLASSIFIED NNEC Data Strategy Exchange of information in a network-enabled environment via a shared space - secure and dynamic information exchange - support for communities of interest - anticipated and unanticipated authorized users - metadata-based retrieval and storage - use repositories and registries for discovery, structural, semantic, and service metadata The shared space is not: - a shared folder or physical server - an unorganized dump of data assets - a free-for-all public resource
NATO UNCLASSIFIED NNEC Shared Space Authorized Consumer of System A data NATO Discovery Catalogs NATO Metadata Registry & Repository NATO Service Registry Data Producer Data Consumer Query Catalogs and Registry System X Retrieve Structural and Semantic Metadata Retrieve Data Publish Structural and Semantic Metadata Publish Data and Services Publish Discovery Metadata System B Engineered, purpose-defined data exchange System A Storage
NATO UNCLASSIFIED Challenges Authentication to the shared environment Restriction of views based on credentials Common set of standardized metadata elements Support for COI- and domain-specific extensions Generation of metadata card information from asset metadata Namespaces for COIs in registries Transparent storage services, independent of location Extension of shared space into National environments and across domains Connecting National shared environments to the NATO shared space
Contacting NC3A NC3A Brussels Visiting address: Bâtiment Z Avenue du Bourget 140 B-1110 Brussels Telephone +32 (0) Fax +32 (0) Postal address: NATO C3 Agency Boulevard Leopold III B-1110 Brussels - Belgium NC3A The Hague Visiting address: Oude Waalsdorperweg AK The Hague Telephone +31 (0) Fax +31 (0) Postal address: NATO C3 Agency P.O. Box CD The Hague The Netherlands