MethodsMethods in teaching writing
O. Vinogradova believes that writing is important for for current and future life.
She writes: “The aim of a teacher is to help students master the structures conventional in English- speaking culture, as well as promote development of logical thinking and creative expression of ideas”.
To achieve this, she uses different types of assignments: from purely reproductive tasks through guided writing to creative work, such as writing a story or an essay in which students give opinions and generate ideas to support them.
What are the main steps in teaching writing?
Step 1: Mastering of graphics\spelling Where we use exercises for the analysis, identification and differentiation
Step 2 : structural sentence models mastering Exercises for spelling skills formation and lexical-grammatical correctness
Step 3: Mastering of the written speech as a part of communication Exercises for the actions providing a correct statement of thoughts formation
Steps of writing process: